Chapter 31 Little Cousin, Let's Meet Again

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"I said, cousin, can't you slow down? Benhou can't run with two legs than Ben Lei's four legs." A black figure suddenly rushed to Ben Lei's side, Xie Wuya looked down, unexpectedly It was Xi Changfeng, who had a fate, because of the good impression he left him the previous time, Xie Wuya smiled at him slightly, and two cute dimples slowly emerged.

"Oh, little cousin, we're seeing each other again."

Raising his right hand and waving at him, Xi Changfeng's smile was just like his own, with boldness and righteousness.

"Um... if you don't call me so painful, I think I'll be happy to meet you."

Without any special reason, Xie Wuya is still very immune to handsome guys , and the only thing he dislikes is him. To his name, Nima is a man, okay? The term cousin was obviously patented by a woman.

"Okay, you are younger than Benhou. From now on, Benhou will call you Wuya." Xi Changfeng didn't get entangled in it, and he accepted his boldness.

"Okay." The name is just a code name, as long as it doesn't hurt so much, he can mostly pick up Shou.

Looking at the interaction between them, Duanmuli felt even more painful. Why is he so friendly to Xi Changfeng, but only shouts at him? In vain, he was hailed as the world's most intelligent man, but he couldn't figure out why, and even more did not understand why he felt heartache because of his differential treatment.

"By the way, where did you go just now? When I went to find you, you were no longer in the judges' seat."

Turning around and hugging him, Xie Wuya raised his head and asked curiously.

"Temporarily keep it secret, haven't you arranged it later?"

Feng Xingtian asked with a mysterious squeeze of his upturned nose. He saw the interaction between him and Si Yunan and others, and he was sincerely happy for him. , He needs friends.

"Originally, I pushed it, hehe... In my mind, you are always the most important."

While answering, he didn't forget to eat his tofu in words, Xie Wuya basically completely ignored the two big light bulbs below.

", then let's go to Jingtai Building for dinner. I also have a gift to give you."

No matter if what he said is true or false, it is right for him to hear the sweetness in his ears. Feng Xingtian Pointing to Xi Changfeng below, motioned for the three of them to be together.

"Okay, but why is the name Jingtailou so familiar?"

Xie Wuya nodded, and Xie Wuya blinked his eyes in confusion.

"Oh, when you think about it, go to Jingtai Tower."

Finally remembering where he heard those three words, Xie Wuya smiled more brilliantly. Should they be there? With Si Yunan's skill, no one should be able to resist his stalker, right?

"Ben Lei, go!"

Chong Du stroked his long hair, Feng Xingtian's voice fell, Ben Lei instantly ran, and disappeared from the sight of Xi Changfeng and Duanmuli in the blink of an eye.

"Damn, Feng Xingtian, Benhou will never finish with you!" After shouting with a black line on his face, Xi Changfeng just wanted to catch up, but saw Duanmuli standing there with a strange expression, frowning: "What you want It's never the same as what Xing Tian wanted. Don't try to push his bottom line."

After he finished speaking, Xi Changfeng chased after him with anger, just take it as his kind advice to him! Few people in this world can irritate Feng Xingtian. On the surface, he is amiable, but in fact he is indifferent and alienated. Once he is completely irritated, no one can afford the consequences.

"Maybe it used to be different, but it might not be the same in the future." A
long, long time later, with a sigh full of yuwang and twisted perseverance, he glanced at the sky lightly, and Duanmuli held a folding fan, standing between the sky and the earth, with clear eyes. Intertwined with ambition and ambition that are too thick to dissolve, but the temperament on the body is still so ethereal and ethereal, not stained with dust!

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