chapter 39 Dominate Canglan?!

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An hour later, all the ambitious students were all paralyzed on the green grass, their heavy breathing was comparable to beating a drum, and at a glance, the rapidly rising and falling chests were like ripples of water, which was indescribably spectacular.

"Damn, with such high-intensity training on the first day, can labor and capital really survive to the end?"

Lying on the ground looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, Xie Wuya said lightly, whether it was in his past or present life, he was a complete otaku, let alone exercise, he rarely even walked around.  A bit overwhelmed.

"I can't bear this hardship, how will I dominate the Canglan Continent in the future?"

Don't look at Kong Shaoyang's small people, but his heart is very big. As soon as he opens his mouth, he is the entire Canglan Continent, not just the Ziling Country.

"Dominate the world for Mao?"

Xie Wuya turned his head, his face full of confusion.

"Uh... Which cultivator doesn't aim for this?"

This time it was Kong Shaoyang's turn to be dumbfounded. After hearing what he said at the school gate earlier, he thought he had the same ambition as him, but... "Well, forget it, I don't have that much ambition.  "

Looking at a few people back and forth, I saw that Xiyi like Kong Shaoyang flashed in their eyes, Xie Wuya a carp sat up straight, and Lan Ting on the other side hurriedly sat up with her tired body, her beautiful eyes were indifferent.  Brother Wuya's goal is her goal, and she will always follow in the footsteps of brother Xun Wuya.

"Then what is your goal?"

Di Zijian suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, which side is the real him?  Originally, he thought he was a very calculating man, but after getting along with him yesterday, he felt that he was actually a very ugly boy, and he didn't have much to do. Not long ago, what he said at the gate of the courtyard proved his arrogance.  Ambition, it only took two or three hours, he denied it himself, and he looked very serious, and he didn't seem to be making trouble with them. How many times did he have that they haven't seen?  What is the real him like?

"Haha... It's very simple. In the future, as long as I can only bully others, it's fine not to let others bully me. It's my principle to be a human being to only take advantage and not suffer losses. The strong are very tiring, and it is Ultraman's responsibility to fight monsters.  It is Our Lady's duty to save all beings, and we don't do that kind of loss-making business."

He patted his butt and stood up, Xie Wuya looked like it was a matter of course. If it wasn't for that woman who stimulated him, maybe he would not even try to become stronger. Anyway, the palace has food, drink and beauties to keep him company, so let him stay home.  He would like it all his life.

It would be a lie to say that he was not shocked. Si Yunan and the others all looked at him with strange expressions, as if they were studying the authenticity of his words, and they seemed to be trying to accept his theory. For a while, no one proposed anything.  refute.

"I've had enough rest. I'll find a way to return to the palace first, Lan Ting. They are all my friends, so you can stay with them for the time being."

Look at them funny, Xie Wuya patted Lan Ting on the shoulder, he doesn't expect them to accept his ideas, so-called friends, if they get together, they will gather, if they don't, they will disperse.

It's just that in this world where the strong are respected, it is easier said than done to only bully people and not be bullied by others?  Even if he doesn't want to, can reality really allow it?

Looking at his leisurely back, everyone has this question in their minds at the same time. So far, they have no answer, but they believe that one day Xie Wuya will give them the answer in person. The reality is always cruel and bloody.  , The road to the strong has never been for anyone to choose, some people are destined to be born kings, he, right?

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