Chapter 171 The weak family in the imperial family

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    You Xi Changfeng, Feng Feiyang, Yuchi Haoran, and Feng Xingtian's four-way army of an iron-clad knight psychic converged at the gate of the palace one after another. Entering from the blasted palace gate, Feng Xingtian, who had never shown up, was already waiting in the palace.

    "Xingtian, why did you stop us from going to Mingxuan Hall?"

    Seeing him blocking their way, Xi Changfeng jumped off his horse, his face full of unhappiness, and now that their morale is booming, they can take down Mingxuan in one fell swoop. Dian, he was also the commander-in-chief of the three armies, doesn't he even understand such a simple truth?

    "Haha...don't be impatient."

    Mo Qi gave a deep smile, Feng Xingtian raised his hand and patted his shoulder, looking past him to Yuchi Haoran and the others who were already walking towards him.

    "Feiyang, you led all 100,000 people out of the palace, and waited outside the palace gate for orders. If an army comes, kill without mercy! Haoran, you take a thousand iron knights to the Holy Ritual Hall to protect the queen mother, Changfeng, Chaoyang. The palace is handed over to you, and the rest will stay here and wait for the king's dispatch."

    Feng Xingtian's voice was still so soft, but he carried an absolutely unquestionable order. It is no longer the idle prince who lives in the palace all the year round, but the battlefield overlord who is admired by the whole world, the war king Feng Xingtian.


    No matter how many doubts and dissatisfaction there were, the three of them handed over their hands and walked in different directions, leaving a thousand iron armored soldiers standing silently behind him. In their hearts, Feng Xingtian is God, no matter what instructions he has, they will obey to the end, even if he asks them to wipe their necks collectively, they will not frown.

    "It's almost time to arrive, right?"

    Looking at the direction outside the palace, Feng Xingtian whispered, a quarter of an hour has passed since the continuous explosion in the direction of Tianjing, and at the speed of the sword red blood demon tiger, Wu Ya should have arrived long ago.


    Said Cao Cao when Cao Cao arrived, and saw two huge monsters suddenly burst out in the night, Xie Wuya and Kong Shaoyang both arrived.

    "Haha... things are going well, right?"

    Feng Xingtian asked with a relaxed face as he stepped forward and helped him down with a smile.

    "Well, Daddy has already gone back, how is this place? Did the prince fall into a trap?"

    Nodding, Xie Wuya glanced at the Mingxuan Hall not far behind him, his eyes were a little anxious, their plan was actually very simple , is to take advantage of the prince's resentment against Fenghuang, let him do it first, with Fenghuang's arrogance, in the face of idiots like the prince, naturally he will not call the dragon guard troops out, in this way, the only result of the war between the two sides is to lose both. , they only need to take advantage of the fisherman, that is, the dragon guards finally came out. In the face of the dead Fenghuang and the prince, they can't say anything more. After all, Feng Xingtian is already the only heir to the throne. You can't kill him, can you? The only difficulty with this plan is that the prince does not enter the urn.

    "Don't worry about my work?"

    Feng Xingtian raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Mingxuan Hall side by side with him. As early as he got the news that the prince had changed, he might use them to kill the prince and kill his father, so he asked people to pay close attention to the prince. The government and Wanjia's every move has been made. After Xie Wuya made a plan, he immediately sent someone to convey to Wanjia what they would do tonight in the most natural way. Unsurprisingly, the fat man from Wanjia The pig-like Taishi immediately summoned thousands of diners to rush into the palace. Even if the matter was half successful, the remaining half was due to Duanmu Li who escaped last night, but after he separated from Xie Wuya, he searched all over the place. Duanmu Li didn't find Duanmu Li in Fu's house either. According to reliable sources, Duanmu Li seems to have not shown his face since yesterday, so he suddenly appeared to sabotage their plan. Who knows... Knowing that now, Duanmu Li has not appeared. It's not that you don't worry, what a shrewd person Duanmu Li is? How could it be possible to see the loopholes in this plan? But he didn't show up, which seemed too unreasonable, but he couldn't find him for a while, so he could only hope that Duanmu Li was too injured to come forward. At least now that the prince has acted, their plan is considered a success. isn't it?

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