Chapter 99 The Si Family(3)

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    "What are you doing?"

    Xie Wuya, who walked towards the two of them, did not speak, but circled the two of them slowly and slowly to see how cheap their eyes were. Even an imbecile could sense it, Xi Changfeng's dark and thick eyebrows are tightly wrinkled into a ball, won't you want to black him again?

    "Huh? No, nothing."

    He raised his head and glanced at him, Xie Wuya deliberately pretended to be stupid for him, and his eyes were always filled with a wicked smirk. Xi Changfeng was not an idiot, how could he not understand? The corners of his mouth twitched frantically, and he shouted fiercely: "If you have nothing to do, you will get rid of the labor and management!"

    Damn, didn't you see that he was busy?

    "Uh... Sven point, have you eaten dynamite?"

    Xie Wuya's forehead went black, and he hugged Si Yunan, who was stunned, and said with a strange smile: "But I have a question I want to ask. You."

    "What the hell do you have to ask? After asking, how far will the labor and capital go?"

    I really can't stand someone's treacherous, evil, and obviously calculating eyes, Xi Changfeng said. All the patience was exhausted, and the rough roar almost shattered everyone's eardrums.

    "Hehe... Don't be in a hurry to get angry, Chang Feng, tell me honestly, how do you feel when you see Yu Nan's sadness?"

    He didn't take his anger to heart at all, Xie Wuya turned his head and threw it to Si Yu Nan gave a bad look, the thief asked with a smile.


    Hearing this, Xi Changfeng was stunned for a moment, the anger in his eyes was instantly replaced by confusion, while Si Yunan's cheeks blushed, and the others probably guessed what he was going to do, and they couldn't help but laugh. It turns out that their family Wuya also likes to be a matchmaker! I don't know if the newlyweds through his hands will become lovers or haters? hehe... what to do? They started to look forward to it.

    "I don't feel anything, why are you asking?"

    After a long while, Xi Changfeng said angrily, telling him intuitively that he must not tell him the truth, otherwise he would definitely die miserably.

    "Come on, you're an idiot, just explain honestly if you're a man, what does it feel like?"

    If Xie Wuya would believe it casually, he wouldn't call him Xie Wuya, and the thief smile on his face was instantly replaced with threats, making it so Xi Changfeng has all kinds of pain, Nima, he wouldn't really want to match him with the little fat man, would he?

    And Si Yunan's white, tender and fat face was so red that it was about to drip blood. Xi Changfeng was undoubtedly a very good man. Any man or woman who saw him would never be interested or not, and he was no exception. In addition, he usually takes care of him very much, although he keeps warning himself not to think too much, but...if the human heart can be controlled by human beings, it is not called the human heart.    

      "Wuya, no matter how I feel in my heart, those things you think are absolutely impossible, don't forget that I am the only bloodline of the Xi family, some responsibilities can never be let go, stop making trouble, go to the master of the Si family." 

       Looking at her deeply for a long time, Xi Changfeng hesitantly glanced at Si Yunan, who was blushing and lowered his head, and suddenly said solemnly and seriously, he is the only one left in the Xi family, and he must To shoulder the responsibility of inheriting the lineage, the only ones who will go in the future are women. 

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