chapter 42

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"Really? Then thank you very much. I'll have someone go to your Houye Mansion to get it later."

Shame is nothing, nothing is given away for nothing.


Xi Changfeng's sweat is like a waterfall, rushing down. Nima has seen such rude people. Who the hell has seen such rude people?

"Brother Wuya, I want to buy this, and this one."

Lan Ting ran over with a bunch of strange and delicate porcelain bottles in her arms. Xie Wuya picked up one of the bottles, opened it and smelled it.  .

"Hey, Brother Changfeng, what is this for?"

"Ben Hou is only twenty years old, not as old as your man."

It was painful, but Xi Changfeng decisively walked over with a stinky face, swept his arrogant gaze, and said with disdain: "Ordinary speed potion, drink it when you are fighting against people, the speed will be about doubled.  But only for a minute."

"Strange, why didn't you say you have a lot this time?"

At the same time as the voice fell, Xie Wuya pretended to be blank and asked, he is ready to catch the pie from the sky again!

"...Fuck you, are you really taking advantage of this marquis?"

Xi Changfeng almost couldn't get up in one breath, and the angry roar was earth-shattering, shaking the entire store as if shaking, but Xie Wuya, who was in shock, just poked his ears at will.

"Cut, waste your expression."

After leaving a conclusion that the anger is not worth the life, Xie Wuya turned around with the potion.

"I didn't think there was such a magical thing. Although it only has a one-minute effect, it's better than nothing. Let's buy more."

"But I can't take that much."

Lan Ting also wants to buy more, but she only has two hands, so she is more than enough.

"Well... the shopkeeper's, the shopkeeper's."

Touching his chin and pondering for a moment, Xie Wuya suddenly shouted, and a middle-aged man ran over quickly.

"I don't know what happened to Princess Zhan?"

Ordinary people may not know Xie Wuya, but business people like the shopkeeper can recognize him at a glance, otherwise he wouldn't even think about messing around.

"Do you have a space ring or bracelet that can store things?"

In the past, when I read fantasy novels, there were mostly magical things in them, and if I wanted to come to this world, I should have them.

"Space Ring? What is that?"

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper was full of doubts, and even Xi Changfeng and the customers in the store looked at him strangely, why haven't they heard of that kind of thing?

"Uh...cough...don't forget it, get me a book on alchemy."

Xie Wuya's forehead went dark, and after a few soft coughs, he took all the porcelain vases in Lan Ting's arms into the shopkeeper's arms, took her hand and walked inside. Damn, novels are decisively deceitful  of.

     【idiot!  】

"Who? Who's talking?"

A cursed voice suddenly sounded in his mind, Xie Wuya stopped abruptly, turned around and looked around, but within one meter of him, there was no one else except Lan Ting.

"Brother Wuya, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you crazy about?"

Lan Ting and Xi Changfeng looked at him strangely at the same time, the former's face was full of Chi Guoguo's worry, while the latter's tone was not good, the worry inside and outside the words was obvious.

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