Chapter 158

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    "The imperial decree is here, the evil family kneels to receive the imperial decree!"

    Led by three eunuchs, a group of imperial guards poured into the hall of the evil family, all armed with sharp weapons, obviously not good comers. Everyone, in his eyes, Xie Wuya and others seem to be dead.

    This kind of battle, let alone wind punishment, Tianxie boundless, even Kong Shaoyang and his party almost ran wild, a group of bastards, they dare to treat them with this attitude? Who gave them the rights?

    Feng Xingtian smiled, looked at Xie Wuya, and sat there leisurely, preparing to be his hands-off shopkeeper. It was not his turn to take action against this kind of fox, but... they despised his princess so much, if he didn't It's not polite to give a small return!

    Xi Changfeng folded his arms and snorted coldly, pretending that those people did not exist, and dared to provoke Xie Wuya like this at this time, isn't this a living courting death? He was not used to dealing with dying people.

    And Xie Wuya, saw his body lazily leaning to the right, one hand resting on the armrest to support his head, the corner of his mouth was filled with a strange smile, his eyes were full of disdain, the old bastard must have underestimated him Xiejia, three eunuchs who don't even have seeds, hundreds of imperial guards dare to go to Xiejia to be arrogant, do they really think they are dead?

    An eerie silence enveloped the entire hall, making one feel breathless. The eunuch who passed the decree finally gave Xie Wuya a straight look. It didn't matter. The moment the figure fell into sight, the eunuch's body shook uncontrollably, his pupils shrank rapidly, and the decree in his hand almost fell to the ground. Damn, why are they here?

    "The imperial decree is here, the evil family are not ready to kneel down to receive the imperial decree."

    Looking back at the other two eunuchs and the densely packed imperial army, the eunuch who passed the decree seemed to have the confidence again, and urged loudly in a shrill voice, if his voice did not tremble, Maybe it's more convincing, but why...

    None of the people present were stupid. He instantly heard the fear in his heart, and the rigor on each face was replaced by disdain. Nima thought that they had three heads and six arms and were not afraid of death. Afraid, hum!

    "The dogs in the palace bark worse than the dogs outside, and they are almost deafened."



    Xie Wuya poked out his ears in a bored manner, and what he said would make him alive. The eunuch Chuanzhi had a dark face and pointed at him with trembling fingers. Kong Shaoyang and the others laughed unceremoniously. Will it be life and death?

    "You, Xie Wuya, as the saying goes, you have to look at the owner when you beat a dog. The representative of our family is the emperor, you are deceiving the king!"

    Chi Guoguo's ridicule in the laughter instantly stimulated the eunuch who passed the decree, and his reason was gone. Wu Cun, he can no longer care about the presence of the two gods of war, staring at him as if he wants to eat people, his eyes are burning with rage, although he is a rootless person, he is a big celebrity in front of the emperor, who usually sees Wasn't he nodding his head to please him? Have you ever experienced such embarrassing humiliation?

    "Fuck it, Nima, the labor and management give you three points of color, you fucking really set up a dyeing workshop for me, I give you two choices, either quickly pass the order, or bring the rest of the dog things to get out of here for me. Family!"

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