Chapter 167 Getting Started

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    At night, the entire imperial city was shrouded in a thin darkness. On the street, pedestrians walked in a hurry. Except for the brothel, which only opened at night, most of the rest of the shops were closed, and people slowly fell asleep. A group of about ten They suddenly appeared on the street in the center of the imperial city. They didn't speak to each other, just looked at each other, looked at their heads, scattered in twos, and flew in different directions. They were none other than Xie Wu who was ready to act. Ya et al.

    "Xingtian, I'll leave it to you from Emperor Dog. I'll go to Heaven Prison to rescue Daddy."

    When only the two of them were left, Xie Wuya raised his head and said, if possible, he would like to do it for him. After all, the dog emperor is also his biological father, but now he wants to personally design to kill him, presumably he has always been very affectionate, and he must be very sad, right?

    "Well, let's go, I have let Shaoyang and the others blow up the palace gate and then join you in the prison, and let Xie Wuqing send his father back to the Xie family first, you and Shaoyang and the others go directly to the palace, don't take risks rashly, I You will be worried, wait for me at the Holy Ritual Hall."

    Feng Xingtian knew that even if he asked him to send the evil spirit back, he would not listen to his words. Not afraid of 10,000, just in case, although he has full confidence to act according to their plan, but he is Xie Wuya, the only person he loves deeply, and he can't tolerate the slightest mistake. Tonight's palace is undoubtedly only the Holy Ritual Hall. is the safest.

    "Haha...I see, go and do your own thing. Although my life is worthless, I cherish it very much. Remember, don't let yourself get hurt."

    An abnormality quickly slid across his eyes, and he couldn't help but see it. , Xie Wuya took the initiative to tiptoe and kissed his lips lightly. As for whether he would do what Feng Xingtian said, only he knew.

    "Well, be careful, too."

    He raised his hand to touch his cheek, Feng Xingtian carefully instructed him, then his body flickered and disappeared instantly. Facing Ye Feng, Xie Wuya pulled the corner of his lips charmingly. Xingtian, your protection touched me very much, but my lovers and brothers are all fighting in front of me, how can I hide in the Hall of Holy Ritual like a tortoise? Sorry, I lied to you, I will not go to the Temple of Ritual.

    The wind ruffled his loose long hair, Xie Wuya didn't seem to have any feeling, he ignored it, and stood there silently and coldly. His own life is a joke. In just a few months, after experiencing countless moments of life and death, he has changed. In this world, there are people who care about him, and there are people who care about him. For them, he can no longer be afraid. No longer afraid of death, this is the courage that a man must have in this world.     What Xie Wuya didn't know was that in the void above him, Feng Xingtian didn't leave at all, but looked down at him condescendingly, his eyes filled with all kinds of complications, he was not stupid, Xie Wuya's tricks were again How could it be hidden from his eyes? Maybe he is really overprotective, so that Wuya has to use lies to perfunctory him. It is impossible to say that he is sad. After all, Wuya also has his own thoughts and positions. If he insists, it should be helpless. As his strength gradually became stronger, he was pleased and happy, but also gave him a strong illusion that he was useless, Wu Ya, how can I do my best?     There was undoubtedly no answer to his questions. In fact, he has done a good job. In this world, there should be few men who can let their lover go to this level. It can only be said that he loves too deeply and too much. Sensitive and too afraid of losing, I always feel as if I can never do enough.  

  "Bang bang bang..."  

   I don't know how long it took, there was a huge rumbling sound in the direction of the heavily guarded imperial city's grain storage warehouse. It became cold, the two turned around in tacit understanding, and both disappeared in place, it was time for them to act.  

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