Chapter 10

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    Rao was the prince of the dynasty, and when he saw Xie Aotian, he had to grit his teeth and lower his head. The unspoken rule of Canglan Continent, except for the monarch of a country, as long as the cultivation base is not as good as the opponent, even if you are the prince, you must give it to the opponent. Saluting, the cultivation base of the Xie Ao Tian Wang-level high-level summoner is naturally much higher than that of the senior middle-level Feng Xing Yu. This is why Feng Xing Tian did not salute to Feng Xing Yu, but he did not dare to make trouble with it.

    "I don't know how Wuya offended the prince? Looking at this battle, does the prince want my son's life?"

    Without showing his affection, Xie Aotian glanced proudly at Xie Wuya, holding the weapon with his arms on his back. The guards, everyone was coldly swept away by him, and they were busy putting down their weapons. Who in Ziling Kingdom didn’t know that the evil appearance was a famous short-guard. Even if his son was just a trash, he could only be bullied by his evil family. Deceive him a bit in front of him.

    ", nothing, this palace is just a bit verbal friction with Young Master Ling, and please forgive Xing Yu for his recklessness."

    Feng Xing Yu gritted his teeth, had to knock down his teeth and swallow blood, and secretly gave it to him. Xie Wuya remembered this, one day, he will have the entire evil family pay for it!

    "Really?" It's  definitely not accidental that Xie Aotian was able to become prime minister at a young age. He didn't believe a word of what he said, and he probably knew why he died. But, how could the evil family's son allow others to bully him casually?

    "Yes, yes, I will leave first."

    Feng Xingyu was rare and shrewd. He heard the danger in his words, and did not dare to hesitate. He hurried away with his people in a hurry. .


    Xie Wuya screamed tentatively. Don't blame him for hesitating. The main reason is that in memory, his father seems to have never defended him. He hasn't even seen him very much. He has a slight affection for him. no.

    "Well, remember to return to the door with the King of War two days later."

    Nodding blankly, Xie Aotian turned and left, without looking at him from start to finish.

    "Is he really my father?"

    Looking at his back, Xie Wuya couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart. If not, why did he defend him just now? If so, what father would be so indifferent to his son?

    "Evil aspects have always been like this, don't take it to heart."

    Unbearable patted his head, Feng Xingtian softly comforted, at least his father would defend him in front of outsiders, right? He is like his father, who is calculating how to take his life almost every moment. In contrast, he is much happier than him.

    "Huh? Haha... it's okay, it's just a little confused."

    He raised his head and threw him a brilliant smile. Xie Wuya didn't lie, it was really just bewilderment. In his mind, there was only one father, Xie Aotianzhi. Since he is nothing, of course, it is impossible for him to listen to him obediently.

    "Well, let's go, don't greet Grandma Huang again, I am afraid that the imperial edict of the father is coming again." With  obvious sarcasm in his tone, Feng Xingtian glanced lightly at the tall man looking at them with his hands on his chest, and motioned to Feng Lang. Got up.

    "Tsk tusk, I haven't seen you for a few days, my cousin has changed a lot."

    As the obvious ridicule came into his ears, there was a tall figure on the side of Wind Wolf. The man was wearing platinum armor with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Especially handsome, but full of domineering, the whole body reveals the taste of mankind.

    "You don't want to give too much!"

    Too lazy to pay attention to his ridicule, Feng Xingtian put his arms around Xie Wuya and closed his eyes slightly, while Xie Wuya stared at him with open and curious eyes. He belongs to Xing Tian. Cousin? What about the royal people? Why don’t they look like each other? Although the crown prince and Xing Tian are not similar, they are equally noble. This man can't find the slightest nobleness all over his body. What he has to say is only unspeakable wildness, just like the world and all things are under his feet. Unruly, and Feng Xing Tian has nothing in common.

    "This is my cousin's new princess, right? It looks quite small. It is said that you are the shame of that wicked family, a famous trash?"

    Seeing that my cousin ignored him, Xi Changfeng was not discouraged, and spontaneously turned his attention to Xie Wuya's body, but what he said was unpleasant. What is waste? Even if they are really rubbish, you shouldn't say it in front of people. Isn't this a real case for abuse?

    "Master Xihou, please remember that he is not the king's new princess, but the only princess of the king, and the half master of the Palace of War. Don't let this king hear the word waste again, run to the thunder, and run. "

    Before Xie Wuya went crazy, Feng Xingtian opened his eyes and said sternly. After he finished speaking, Ben Lei, that is, Feng Lang slammed his feet and ran away, and in the blink of an eye, Xi Changfeng was far away. Left behind.

    "King of War, you are no longer invincible."

    Standing in place, watching the two men and a wolf gradually disappearing, Xi Changfeng muttered unclearly along the wind and glanced towards the clear sky...

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