chapter 14

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   Since Xie Wuya ran away from the palace a month ago to avoid the so-called granddaughter-in-law tea pretending to have stomach pains, the scene of that day has been spread through the ears of the people. For him and Feng Xingtian, who is accustomed to the house, and Feng Xingtian, who doesn't go out very much, there is no reason to be afraid of the comments from the outside world.

    The only thing that made the two of them hurt was the women who suddenly appeared in the palace. In other words, after the two left the palace that day, they didn’t know how the queen mother persuaded the emperor. The next day she really sent the beauties. Moreover, one delivery is a whole dozen. The ring is fat, thin, thin, and has everything you need. This is not the most tragic. The most tragic thing is that with the lead of the Queen Mother, those ministers who have long wanted to curry favor with Feng Xing Tian don’t care about it. One, a wave of beauties were desperately sent to the mansion as if they didn't want money. One month later, the palace in Qingning was crowded with all kinds of beauties.

    On this day, Feng Xingtian went out with the wind flying, without a computer, unable to surf the Internet, and no GV or novels to pass the time, even Xie Wuya, who is used to the house, can’t help but feel a little bit of idle time. After a sumptuous lunch, Xie Wuya ordered people to place a chaise longue in the courtyard of Qingsong Pavilion where he and Feng Xingtian lived, and waved away all those who served him, and lay on the chaise longue alone. Die, cough, cough... No, I'm wrong, people are basking in the sun.


    The sun in late spring and early summer was not very toxic. It was warm and uncomfortable when exposed to the sun. Xie Wuya lying on the chaise longue with saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth, turned over lazily. The face that hasn’t grown up but is so handsome is rendered satisfying, vermilion lips are as delicious as bright cherries, two thick and curled eyelashes are like two butterfly wings, and three thousand worries are scattered like a waterfall. Behind him, on the chest, the purple and luxurious brocade robe was crumpled because he was asleep and tumbling. This is not a charming picture of a sleeping beauty, but it gives a freehand and romantic taste, with a strong casualness. Happiness.

    "He is the Princess of War?"

    "Hmph, just a man, why do you dominate the handsome and extraordinary King of War?"

    "That's it, look at him like that, you really lose the face of King of War."

    "Sisters, we must We must unite and drive this waste out of the palace while the prince is away..."

    "Yes, drive him out of the palace..." The  good times did not last long, and a group of twenty or so well-dressed women broke in, angrily Lined up in front of the chaise longue, glamorous, charming, playful, graceful, supple... There are all kinds of them, and it can be described as a hundred flowers blooming and colorful!

    Among these women, some were sent by the Queen Mother, and most of the others were contributed by courtiers. Many of them were the first to see Xie Wuya, but they all had a common goal, that is, to drive away Xie Wuya!

    Even if they all wished to kill Xie Wuya, but at the same time they knew that Xie Wuya's strong background was not something they could afford, and this was the fundamental reason why they didn't dare to wake him up directly.

    "Sister Landie, what should we do?"

    They have been standing here for a while, but Xie Wuya didn't wake up, all the women's eyes were all focused on the charming and charming woman in the middle. In her body, she was sent by the queen mother, it can be said that she is the leader of them, and she herself is also an intermediate high-level summoner, and all the women are the only ones looking at her.

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