Chapter 79 Adventure in the Demon Mountains (7)

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    The dazzling light stabbed people's eyes and hurt. Xie Wuya conditioned reflex to block his eyes with his right hand. I don't know if it was his illusion. He felt that his body was instantly light, like floating on the clouds, special. Not true.

    "Damn, what the hell is this place? Fatty and the others?"

    The moment he put down his hands and opened his eyes, Xie Wuya couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. It was full of mist, the visibility was very low, and all that could be seen was a vast expanse of white, as if entering another mysterious world, Si Yunan and others didn't even see a single hair. .

    "Damn, where the hell is this? there anyone? This is..."

    I don't know why, seeing the fog on the shoes, Xie Wuya felt all kinds of irritability in his heart, and took a few steps forward and waved it away. The mist, but when the hand touched the mist, the slightest electric current passed through the fingertips to the limbs. He lowered his head to look at his fingers, and his handsome eyebrows couldn't help wrinkling. Shouldn't it be his illusion just now?

    "Grass, it hurts!"

    In order to confirm his guess, Xie Wuya stretched out his hand and grabbed it again. This time the electric current was several times stronger than before. With his conditioned reflex, he retracted his hand and rubbed his clothes on the clothes, and he couldn't help but feel astonished, what the hell is this place?

    "Zilian, Zilian? Can you hear me? Where is this? What

    's the matter with the fog?" Recalling the previous inheritance, Xie Wuya suppressed the irritability in his heart, took a few deep breaths, and tried to concentrate. The mental force tried to get in touch with Zilian, and now the only one who can help him is Zilian.

    [Well... Wu Ya, this is the space between the planes. It seems that there is some artifact in this space. My ability is restrained, and I may not be able to help you. You can explore it carefully. Remember, you must be calm when you encounter problems. As long as you are calm enough, nothing can't be solved. 】After waiting for a long time, Zilian's voice sounded in my mind, but it was so weak as if the real body was damaged that day. Xie Wuya's frowning brows were about to catch flies. He raised his eyes and looked around, mother. , I can't even see the road clearly, how can I find out?

    "You rest, I'll take a look around first."

    Knowing that he had done his best, Xie Wuya couldn't force it any further. He took out the sword from the space, maintaining a high degree of alertness, and groping forward step by step. He only came in after starting the inheritance. Feng Wuyan doesn't seem to be the kind of person who hurts Feng Huang, so he shouldn't set a trap to harm him.

    When the world was opened up, the whole world was divided into countless planes, and the plane gap space was an independent space between the center points of the two planes. If you want to get in, you won't be able to get in. Even if you are lucky enough to get in, you may not be able to come out alive. Generally, such a space is full of strangeness and danger in addition to the treasures of the world. Some powerful and peculiar Most living things live here.

    "Nima is not so evil, right?"

    After walking a distance, Xie Wuya suddenly felt the spiritual energy in his body soaring, as if he was about to break through.


    Suddenly, when he was not sure whether he was going to break through, the summoning book turned into a streamer and shot out from his body, condensed and floated in front of his eyes. The Demon King was left outside by him, their names were gray and white, and next to them, a line of vague letters loomed, Xie Wuya couldn't help but stepped forward and took out the summoning book and held it in his hand, but no matter how he looked at it, he always Couldn't make out what the words were on it.

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