Chapter 153 Holy Battle (3)

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    Thousands of arrows were fired and fell from the sky at the same time. The scene was shocking, not to mention the shocking scene. Thousands of golden sword lights illuminated the entire sky. .



    Cang Long Po, it feels a bit like the first time he used a unique trick, Feng Xingtian stepped on the Yufeng step to walk through the sword rain when the sword rain drowned him, but only After a few seconds, the sound of piercing piercings sounded, and a slight tingling pain came from his cheeks. Feng Xingtian reached out and touched it, looking at the blood on his fingers, his eyes couldn't help but get a little surprised and angry.

    Different from his previous tricks that almost turned into entities, all the swords that Canglong shoots are entities, and the Canglong Sword is also a famous sword. The main reason why he was injured, and to break the Canglong Po, one must avoid the sword rain and directly subdue the main body of the Canglong sword that is hanging above and constantly blasting the sword rain. This difficulty factor is undoubtedly very high.

    "Boom..." The

    splendid and charming golden sword rain is still falling down, each sword is sharp and sharp, exuding a cold sword light, like a golden dragon, all invincible, all arrows are fired, and the power is terrifying. Man, it's like flattening the entire mountain.

    Xie Wuya, who was hiding in the space to watch the battle, was dumbfounded for a long time. Canglongpo made him have the illusion that his back was tingling. Even if he was standing in a space that could isolate the heavenly secrets, the swords and the surging fighting spirit should still let him. All kinds of chills and horrors, the strength of the saint level, is completely beyond what he can imagine now.

    Xie Wuya is still like this, not to mention Feng Xingtian who is in the rain of swords, his feeling is ten million times stronger than Xie Wuya, especially after being injured, he will be more serious about Canglongpo.


    After a while, Feng Xingtian, who was wandering in the majestic sword rain, laughed out loud. How many years has it been? He has never been injured, and the blue dragon is broken. It is indeed the strongest trick of the holy level! But... if he didn't break it today, he wouldn't be called Feng Xingtian.


    While thinking like this, a group of golden-red energy suddenly rushed out of the body, wrapping his body in the blink of an eye. In the eyes of outsiders, all that can be seen is the golden-red afterimages constantly shuttle in the golden sword rain. Among them, it is gorgeous and gorgeous.


    Duanmu Li, who was standing outside the battlefield clutching his chest, squinted his eyes. Why did he suddenly feel an ominous feeling? What does he want to do?

    "Bump..." In the

    next second, Feng Xingtian gave him the answer, and the body wrapped in golden red energy stopped abruptly. Jian Yu was unavoidable and slashed on his body densely, but the strange thing was that, The sharp sword was bounced back before it even touched his body, and the sword that bounced back flew less than ten meters before turning into aura and dissipating in the air.


    Duanmuli instantly forgot the pain in his body, and took a step forward, staring at Feng Xingtian who was in the sword rain unharmed in disbelief. Its clone, no matter in sharpness or speed, is no worse than the main body, how can it not pierce Feng Xingtian's strength? How could it be turned into nothingness? And, why is his energy golden red? Could it be that he is... how is this possible? Wasn't he thrown into the cold palace by Fenghuang just after he was born?

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