Chapter 55 Mythical Beast Water Unicorn

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The underwater world is empty and depressing. Xie Wuya, who dived into the water, tried his best to open his eyes to search for everything he could find, until he felt that his lungs were about to explode, and he couldn't find the animal shape that Zilian said.  The real body of a stone or a divine beast, just as he was about to evacuate, an arch-shaped hole suddenly appeared beside the bottom of the pool, about two meters high, which seemed to be connected to another world.

     【How?  Did you find something?  】

[Well, there is a channel.  】

[Go in and have a look.  】

[Damn, the labor and management can't breathe anymore, let's go up and change our breath first.  】

[No, Wu Ya, that passage should be the hole in the enchantment of the divine beast. The breath I feel is leaking from there. Once the divine beast is aware of it, or the enchantment is automatically repaired, you will not be able to find the hole next time.  , bear with it, go ahead and take a look before making plans.  】【NND...You really don't have back pain while standing and talking.  ] Cursing like that, Xie Wuya still endured the danger that his lungs were about to explode due to hypoxia, and swam over, and swam all the way to the inside along the passage. He didn't expect that Lan Ting, Si Yunan and others outside had already been because of the lack of oxygen.  His absence for a long time turned into a pot of porridge.

     【Um?  】

I don't know how long it took, when Xie Wuya felt that he was about to faint due to lack of oxygen, a light suddenly came from the top of his head. After a short period of surprise, he didn't think so much, and his slender body was like a live fish in the water.  Gracefully swam up in the direction of the light.


"Huhuhu...Damn, I almost choked to death..."

Climbing out of the water, Xie Wuya gasped for fresh air without bothering to look around.

[Wu Ya, the breath is getting stronger and stronger, the divine beast is here to look everywhere.  】 Zilian's voice showed a rare trembling, urging him excitedly.

"Huhu...let me take a breath first, what's the hurry?"

Rolling his eyes angrily, Xie Wuya slowly swam to the edge of Tan Zi and climbed up, lying on the ground like a corpse.

     "This is…"

When his breathing finally calmed down, he turned around, and the scene in his eyes made him widen his eyes. It was obviously not where he came in, although there was a Bitan in front of him that was exactly the same as the outside, and even beside his ears.  I can still hear the roar of the waterfall falling, and it is even more deafening than the previous one, but this is not an open world at all, but a very large natural cave, without sunlight, but bright as day, and there are growing everywhere in the cave.  The rare medicinal herbs are planted, and the faint fragrance is refreshing in the nose, and the body feels relaxed in an instant, and even the mental strength seems to be better than before.

     【What's up?  What's wrong?  Have you found a beast?  】

Aware of the strong fluctuations in his mood, Zilian asked nervously, the current Wuya is too vulnerable, if he can really conclude a life contract with the beast, it will be of great benefit to his cultivation.


Rolling his eyes and calming his mind, Xie Wuya propped himself up and slowly stood up. The space inside the cave is very large, I am afraid there are thousands of pings.  The green vines that do not have a name, some still bear red and bright fruits on them, and there is a large and thick water curtain going straight ahead, which should be a waterfall.  Biao came up with an extremely absurd idea, Shuiliandong, wouldn't Sun Wukong live here?

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