Chapter 184 Trust, Emergencies

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    In the hall of the Xie family, which occupies an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, Xie Aotian and others are sitting upright, no one speaks, everyone has a serious face, except for Xie Yucheng's cough from time to time, there is almost no sound of breathing. It's been a whole day since they left, and they've changed from anticipation at the beginning to worry now. If Wanhua Pill is refined, Xie Wuya might have come out long ago, right? But... did something unexpected happen?

    God knows how hard it took them to restrain themselves from rushing into the courtyard where Xie Wuya lived. Together with Si Yunan and the others who came together last night, they all told themselves over and over in their hearts that Xie Wuya was a pervert Yes, there is absolutely nothing that can stump him, they have to believe in him, and now they have finally fully realized that it is so difficult and painful to believe in a person, how long can they persist?


    "No, I can't take it any longer. I'll go to Wu Ya to have a look."

    Suddenly, Xie Wuqing, who had always been calm, stood up fiercely, and was about to rush out as he spoke. Standing in front of him, Xie Wuqing's handsome face was covered with irritability, and he looked unhappily at Kong Shaoyang and Di Zijian who were blocking his way, and he couldn't believe that they were not worried.

    "Get out of the way, I have to go and have a look."

    "Xie Wuqing, trust him, Wuya will never let us down, since he said he can refine Wanhua Pill, he will definitely be able to, I don't allow you to disturb him "

    Kong Shaoyang's rare and cold handsome face is full of unshakable trust. Compared with Xie Wuqing, they get along with Xie Wuya much more. He has promised them with his life time and time again that no matter what happens No matter how dangerous his situation is, as long as Xie Wuya says it, he will definitely do it. This time he also deeply believes it, because he is worth it!


    "Senior Wuqing, believe in Wuya, he will do it."

    As soon as Xie Wuqing opened his mouth, Di Zijian interrupted him gently. Like Kong Shaoyang, he said correctly , as well as Xi Changfeng, Han Mengli and Si Yunan, the five of them were the first to follow Xie Wuya, and their understanding of him was so deep that it surpassed anyone else, so they believed in him more than anyone else. He will be successful.


    Hearing this, Xie Wuqing opened his mouth, unable to say anything, but stared at them with puzzled eyes for a moment, is this the difference between him and them? Is this why Wu Ya values ​​them more than his own brother? From the beginning to the end, they trusted Xie Wuya from the bottom of their hearts without any doubt or confusion, but he couldn't do it, so it was destined that he couldn't stand side by side with Xie Wuya?

    Except for Xi Changfeng, Han Mengli and Si Yunan, almost everyone here can't help but raise their eyebrows curiously. Being in a big family, they know better than anyone else that the word trust is easy to say It's hard to do, and many lovers who share the same heart may not be able to trust each other wholeheartedly, but they are just Xie Wuya's partners, but they can trust Xie Wuya so wholeheartedly, what did Xie Wuya do to make them so self-confidence?     "There is something called charisma. Xie Wuya looks like an asshole, but anyone who really knows him will know that he is actually very reliable. He has always used his name, Xie Wuya, to convince us that he is a real man. The true meaning of promise, since you are his cherished relatives, shouldn't you also try to believe him?"     Xi Changfeng, who has been sitting by the side, lazily raised his eyes, but the words he said were so meaningful, as if A warning bell kept echoing in everyone's minds. Yes, strictly speaking, they have nothing to do with Xie Wuya, yet they managed to trust him so much, while our so-called blood relatives... Should they reflect on themselves? Woolen cloth? "Sorry, I..."     Me what? Xie Wuqing didn't know what to say, he could only look at them apologetically, he clenched his fists and returned to his seat unwillingly, in vain he was still Wuya's own brother, and he was not even as good as an outsider, saying No matter how much it is, it will be in vain.     Kong Shaoyang and the others looked at each other without saying anything, but the same indifference lurks deep in their eyes, because they all know that for Xie Wuya, relatives and partners are different, and he treats relatives differently. His requirements are not as high as those of his partners, it is enough for them to trust him to this point, Xie Wuya will not force him, let alone them.

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