Chapter 147 Crazy Duanmu

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    To the north of Mingcheng, Songtong Mountain, which is shrouded in thick fog all the year round, towers into the clouds. It is as beautiful as covering Jiao Rong. If you stand at the foot of the mountain and look up, Mt. Songtong is like a huge Optimus Prime straight into the sky. It is majestic and beautiful, but for so many years, no one has successfully entered. Passing Mt. Songtong, let alone reaching the top.

    The reason is very simple. The periphery of Mt. Songtong is full of strong miasma, let alone humans, even monsters cannot survive under the poison of those deadly miasmas. After passing through the miasma, the entire mountainside is full of poisonous insects and scorpions. Accidentally bitten and killed immediately, there is absolutely no possibility of escape. Over the years, it is not that no strong person or people who are not afraid of death have entered Songtong Mountain, and almost all of them died halfway up the mountain. The peak of Songtong Mountain in the mist is not only charming, but also stands a majestic and magnificent mountain gate.

    Looking through the lingering mist, there is a huge plaque hanging above the mountain gate, with four characters written in dragons and phoenixes, Shadowless Villa!

    Shadowless Villa, Canglan's No. 1 Killer Organization, no one knows how many people they are composed of and who rules them. People only know that whenever they take over the business, no matter who the other party is, they will be in the shortest possible time. After completing the task, some people on the rivers and lakes also gave them a nickname, the Deadly Villa.

    It's no wonder that Shadowless Villa has been rampant in the Canglan Continent for so many years, and no one has picked them up. They are hidden so deeply, who can move them?

    In the deep courtyard, green pines and bamboos are planted everywhere. The breeze blows, and the rustling sound sounds like pines and bamboos are singing. The house made of pine and bamboo is green, just looking at it makes people feel comfortable, as if returning to the embrace of nature, living in it, the fresh bamboo fragrance fills the nostrils, even if there is more A lot of troubles, smelling this light natural fragrance, the spirit can instantly relax, leaving all troubles behind.

    "Wu Ya, if only you were always quiet and obedient like this."

    In the only bedroom of the bamboo house, Duanmu Li sat beside the bed, his slender and graceful fingers gently traced Xie Wuya's tender cheeks, and he murmured the extravagant hope that only he could hear. He was yelling and swearing all the time, there was really no way, he had to knock him unconscious, count the time, he was almost awake, right?

    "Hehe... What am I thinking, if you are so quiet and obedient, you are not Xie Wuya." If that's the case, what is the difference between Xie Wuya

    and those men and women who adore him? I guess he doesn't even want to look at him, right? How could he be so obsessed with him?


    Xie Wuya, who was lying on the bed, moved, her beautiful eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, her eyes kept rolling under her eyelids, as if she was about to wake up, her fingers rubbing against his cheeks stiffened. But he didn't mean to take it back, he slowly touched the peak of his frown, and gently smoothed the two peaks for him.

    People who don't know see this scene, maybe they are so envious and jealous of Xie Wuya. Duanmu Li seems to be a man who loves him deeply, but...

    "Take your hand!

    " At the moment of his eyes, when Duanmu Li's beautiful and flawless face fell into his eyes, Xie Wuya didn't even look at the environment he was in. As his thin lips squirmed, he was slowly filled with disgust and disgust.

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