chapter 11 love?!

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 "Who was that person just now?"

    Xie Wuya raised his head curiously while sitting on Feng Lang's back and holding Feng Xingtian fascinatingly.

    "Fancy him?"

    The hand rubbing his long hair gave a slight pause, the smile on his lips suddenly deepened, and the image of Xie Wuya obsessed with Duanmuli not long ago flashed in his mind. Feng Xingtian closed his eyes and narrowed his eyes slightly. A breath of danger that is difficult to perceive quietly shrouded.

    "Huh? Haha... Where did you think of it? I like beautiful boys, but I don’t see everyone in estrus. For example, the prince, your cousin feels very righteous and upright, making people afraid to blaspheme casually. I just asked curiously, his kind of man, if he doesn’t move, he’s just a lifetime. My body is only seventeen years old, and the days in the future are still very long, so I don’t want to provoke that kind of man. What a peerless idiot."

    Xie Wuya was startled, and then smiled on him. Many years ago he clearly understood that there is no true love between men and men. After all these years in the circle, he has already learned to abandon him. The Xiyi in my heart, like Xi Changfeng, is good, but he also hides it for fear.

    "Really? This king thinks you like me." I don't know why, listening to him say that, the block in Feng Xingtian's heart not only has not disappeared, but has become more and more depressed.

    "I like it, I think no one in this world can resist your beauty." With almost no consideration, Xie Wuya touched his face and said obsessively. Feng Xing Tian is so beautiful, even he himself is considered the best. A handsome guy, it seems a little bit inadequate compared to him.

    "The only thing this king can attract you is this face?" With  his hand touching his face, Feng Xingtian stubbornly wanted to get an answer, although he didn't know why he had to get it.

    "No, you are also very strong on chuang, which makes me very happy."

    As if vaguely aware of something, Xie Wuya's gaze dodged from side to side, but refused to meet his gaze. Some things were as fragile as tulle. , Once pierced, maybe he can't stay by his side, so far, he hasn't planned to leave him.

    "That's it? Nothing else?"

    Feng Xingtian's tone was stained with a rare coldness, and he unknowingly increased his strength by holding his hand, and the gold and silver pupils staring at him were full of even himself. For Xiyi and longing who don’t know, the beginning of a love often takes only one second, but it takes a long time to develop this love. Feng Xingtian still doesn’t understand, Xie Wuya may understand, but he doesn’t want to touch it. touch.

    Reluctantly meeting his gaze, Xie Wuya pulled out his hand vigorously, without saying anything, and slowly turned his body over, maybe he should leave now? Whether it is a man or a woman, once the relationship between the two is touched, everything will change. Feng Xingtian is a very good man. Except for love, he has a tacit understanding with him in all aspects. The most important thing is that he is a prince. , But indulged in all kinds of concubine him. He cherished him very much and didn't want to hurt him one day in the future.

    "Xi Changfeng, the only bloodline of the Queen's clan, the new generation of war gods after this king, has made great achievements, and is not lost to this king. Two years ago, after the war on the Canglan Continent subsided, he was named loyal and brave by his father, but he followed this king. The same cannot be trusted by his father. After being sealed off, he was taken into the army and he is now at home.”

    Long later, Feng Xingtian took the initiative to lean up and hugged him from behind, breathing hot on the sensitive neck skin, Xie Wu Ya was fascinated when he leaned forward. He basically didn't listen to a word. Some things didn't exist if you didn't resist. Soon Xie Wuya would understand that love is unreasonable.

    Seeing that he didn't resist his embrace, Feng Xingtian smiled evilly in a place he couldn't see, Wuya, you think the king will let you go? Stop dreaming. From the moment you promise to stay with this king, you are destined to be bound with this king in your life, and you will never want to escape from this king.

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