Chapter 65 The Wind Emperor Summons

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    For a long time, the words that accompanied the three words Xie Wuya were generally trash, shame, or the king of battle, but since Xie Wuya took his brothers to defeat the inner courtyard students who provoked them with an absolutely sturdy posture , Xie Wuya has a new name, genius, lunatic, pervert, etc., and even the results of that day's battle were spread outside the academy, and immediately, the entire imperial city was a sensation.

    Xie Wuya only summoned the summoning book in the entrance examination more than a month ago. This is something that everyone knows, that is to say, he could not be called a cultivator before that, but he showed it that day. But it is the strength of high-level swordsmen and intermediate-level mid-level summoners. In just over a month, they have stepped up two steps. Even Feng Xingtianxi Changfeng Duanmuli, who is known as the top genius in the continent, can't do it. Come on, how did he do it? Not to mention that he also defeated the high-level high-level swordsman Xie Wuqing with the strength of the high-level low-level swordsman. If this is not enough to shock the world, what is?

    This incident not only caused a lot of discussion among the people, but even Fenghuang couldn't help but pay attention. If Xie Wuya is really a super genius like the legend, if he combines with Feng Xingtian, then... Fenghuang simply doesn't Dare to imagine that kind of picture, so, after careful consideration, Fenghuang decided to summon Xie Wuya, and he must personally determine whether Xie Wuya would pose a threat to him and his country.

    "Are you sure you want to go? He's afraid he wants to kill you now, right?"

    Xie Wuya did not immediately enter the palace with Duanmu Li, but looked at Feng Xingtian worriedly. After that, Feng Huang After a lot of silence, he never bothered them again. He thought he was frightened by Feng Xingtian's power, but now it seems that this is not the case. This should be another silence before another conspiracy, right? How painful it must be to have such a father!

    "When didn't he want to kill me? Don't worry, I'm just going to greet Grandma Huang, he doesn't dare to do anything to me."

    Taking his hand, Feng Xingtian said softly, his eyes couldn't hide the silence. It was his father who killed him, but now he will no longer endure everywhere because of the love between father and son, because he has Wu Ya, he will not allow his father to destroy the happiness between him and Wu Ya.

    "I hope this is the case. Nima's labor and capital will be surprised. The tiger poison does not eat its children. Why is your father so good for wool?

    " Residence courtyard.


    "Brother  Wuya..."
      Lan Ting, Si Yunan and the others    who had been waiting outside saw the two of them come out and hurriedly surrounded them. Everyone was worried about Chi Guoguo, and Fenghuang was dissatisfied. The King of War is basically known to the whole country, and it is not a good thing for him to summon Xie Wuya alone at such a sensitive stall.

      "Look at what you guys are like, it's not like labor and capital are gone forever, don't worry, the emperor is also a human, not a monster, he won't eat me."

    Xie Wuya bent his fingers and flicked Lan Ting's forehead, relaxed. With a joke, Duanmu Li, who was in charge of passing the decree, came over.

    "My lord, I don't know when the princess can enter the palace?" The

    elegant Chaofeng Xingtian bent over and asked Duanmuli coldly.

    "If you are in a hurry, you go first, and the prince and I will enter the palace later."

     He pouted his lips unhappily, his phoenix eyes were full of displeasure, and Duanmu Li, the pitiful father, was so handsome, and his temperament was so good that people and gods were angry, doing it for wool Are things always so frustrating?

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