Chapter 110 Those who insult the people I care about, die!

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    "Haha... Brother

    Wuya, those two people are too funny." Lan Ting laughed happily along the way. She never dreamed that the real temperament of Tianyu Academy's high-ranking dean and chief elder was so interesting. After returning home, she must tell Henan and the others in detail, so that they will be happy too.

    "Hehe... You, everyone has a real side hidden in the dark. Be quiet, don't let other people hear it, I quite like those two old urchins."

    Xie Wuya poked her on the forehead dotingly. , Xiao Jingchen and Hong Qu can treat him with their true colors, proving that they all treat him with sincerity. He has no reason to dislike such a person. One more friend is better than one more enemy. He still understands this principle.

    "Well, I got it. Brother Wuya, why are we in such a hurry to go back to the evil house?"

    Lan Ting asked curiously while touching her forehead. There was a deep disgust in her eyes. Since she left the evil house, she has She never went back. For her, it was not home at all, but the hell of Chi Guoguo.

    "I have to go back and ask Daddy about some very important things. He might... eh?"

    Before Xie Wuya's words were finished, a slender, tall and straight white figure was suddenly reflected in the line of sight, and the beautiful eyebrows were instantly wrinkled. Damn, as soon as woolen appears, he always encounters these people who are painful?

    "I haven't seen you for a long time, and the princess is still in the same spirit, and I miss Li very much." In the

    blink of an eye, Duanmu Li, who was still several hundred meters away from them, instantly arrived in front of him, his fiery gaze firmly locked on Xie Wuya's handsome face. People who don't know might think they are a couple who haven't seen each other for a long time.

    "Haha... Instructor Duanmu is really joking. Missing usually happens between couples, we..."

    Damn, the labor and management miss you too, why are you still not dead? Xie Wuya raised a hypocritical laugh, and he was already scolding the sky in his heart. Damn it, if Xing Tian had not told him before he left, he would never have fought Duanmu Li head-on. Who the hell would be here to deal with him?

    "How about us? Wu Ya, you should know that I have always liked you."

    I don't know what Duanmu Li wants to do. He took a big step forward, and the whole person approached in an instant. Xie Wuya's conditioned reflex took two steps back. When he reacted, he realized that Duanmu Li just said the words "I like you" very loudly. , and there are already many people around... In short, almost everyone heard that he was 'confessed' by Duanmu Li.

    "Did you hear? Taifu Duanmu likes Xie Wuya..."

    "Damn, I heard right? Taifu Duanmu has an affair with Xie Wuya..."

    "How can Xie Wuya do this? The King of War loves him so much, How could he hook up with Master Duanmu..."

    "The adulterer and the adulterous woman...No, it's the adulterer and the adulterer, you have to die..."

    "Yes, the King of War is our idol, how can you..."

    People's maintenance of idols is Crazy, after a while, abuse and accusations rushed to them like a tidal wave, and the two instantly became the focus. Guarantee with the head of the item, he definitely did it on purpose, what good did Nima do for his reputation?

    Duanmu Li stood tall and stood there, smiling indifferently. The abuse around him seemed to have nothing to do with him. There was only Xie Wuya in his eyes. He had already said that if he couldn't fall in love with him, then he would Let him hate, unforgettable hatred, this is just the beginning.

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