chapter 41

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"Brother Wuya, you and Xingtian go back first. I want to go to Jubaozhai to see the weapons and buy some potions that can help improve your cultivation."

A group of four walked out of the gate of the academy. Lan Ting stood in front of Ben Lei and looked up at Feng Xingtian and Xie Wuya, who were riding on it. Xi Changfeng stood on the other side with a stinky face.  A junior summoner's partner and bodyguard, this is indeed enough to make him vomit blood for a while.

"It just so happens that I want to go see it too, Xingtian, why don't you go back first, I'll go with Lan Ting."

Although he was already a Summoner, Xie Wuya decided to rely on himself as long as he thought of that rosy and noisy little red dragon.

"Well, let's go, there is Chang Feng with you, this king is very relieved."

It's not that I don't want to go with him, but who doesn't know that his legs are disabled in the imperial city?  It was too eye-catching to ride Ben Lei, and his eyes swept across Xi Changfeng, Feng Xingtian became more and more glad that he had made a bet with him, such a powerful and cheap bodyguard was hard to come by, even if he was unwilling to protect him from the bottom of his heart  Wu Ya, but for the sake of his own face, he will definitely do his best to protect him.

Xi Changfeng, who was suddenly named, opened his mouth and just wanted to refute, when yesterday's bet contract suddenly came to mind. Based on the principle that a man is willing to bet and lose, no matter how much he was unwilling, Xi Changfeng decisively clenched his fists and endured it.  .

As the capital of Ziling Kingdom, the prosperity of the imperial city is definitely not comparable to that of other cities. In addition to the imperial palace, which is a political hub, the imperial city also gathers certification associations such as summoners, swordsmen, archers, alchemists, etc.  It is an exaggeration to say that the Imperial City is a small cultivation world. Although the sparrows are small and complete, they walk on the street and see summoners with summoned beasts, swordsmen with swords, and archers with bows and arrows on their backs.  .

"If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that the world in fantasy novels really exists."

Walking leisurely on the street, Xie Wuya looked at those cultivators in the past, and whispered, "It's been more than a month since he traveled to this world. This is his first time shopping. I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm startled when I see it.  Ah, here it can be said that the whole people are cultivated.

"Huh? Brother Wu Ya, what did you say?"

Lan Ting, who was looking around, turned her head curiously. Did brother Wuya talk to her just now?

"Can you hear this too? Hehe... nothing! Have you found Jubaozhai?"

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, and Xie Wuya rubbed the top of her head dotingly. It seemed she had to pay more attention. Even Lan Ting's hearing was so good, not to mention others.

"Well, it's there. When I was bullied by the evil family, I quietly went here to buy things. Let's go, Brother Wuya."

The simple Lan Ting pointed to the shop next to her, and excitedly dragged Xie Wuya and ran in. Xi Changfeng, who looked like shit, folded his arms and followed them unhappily.

Jubaozhai is a weapon shop, but they sell more than weapons. Everything related to cultivation is sold here, including alchemy potions, medicinal plants, various spar and so on. Xie Wuya is just like a country bumpkin.  Look here, touch there, especially when he sees a pink and transparent sword, his eyes are wide open. In his impression, aren't all weapons made of iron or steel?  Is there still pink iron in this world?

"Bumper, don't let Benhou be embarrassed with you, all good weapons are made of top-quality ore, and those are just powder crystal forging. Benhou's mansion has as many as you want. If you want, Benhou will give it to you for free."

Seeing that everyone around them was paying attention to them, Xi Changfeng said bluntly and arrogantly, NND, you have to have a limit for your fucking ignorance, no matter how you say you are the direct son of the evil family, don't act like a motherfucker.  Can't bear?

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