chapter 32

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     Jingtai Building is located in the center of the imperial city. It covers an area of ​​one thousand square meters and faces south. It is the most luxurious restaurant in Ziling Country. Many dignitaries like to eat here. It is said that even the ladies in the palace often invite Jingtai. The chef in the building went to the palace to cook meals for them. The three characters Jingtai Building hanging on the door were still written by the present-day sage, which praised the cuisine of Jingtai Building.

    "The prince and princess, please come inside. The prince’s small room has been vacated."

    Those who will ride the summoned beasts on the street, I am afraid that there is only a wind-punching sky in the world. When they came up, all the guests who were dining inside stood up excitedly, watching their idols obsessively.

    "This is the most luxurious and luxurious restaurant in the country? It also has a bit of charm, but it lacks a bit of passion."

    Through Feng Xingtian's mouth along the way, Xie Wuya already roughly knows the glory of Jingtai Tower, born in the 21st century. What kind of luxury haven't you seen? For Xie Wuya, this can only be regarded as antique.

    "Oh? The princess seems to have an idea?"

    Feng Xingtian asked the shopkeeper casually at the same time.


    Xie Wuya's sight will never leave him for more than three seconds as long as there is a place where the wind and the sky are there. With such a beautiful face, he won't be bored even if he looks at it for a lifetime.

    "Naughty, if you have any good suggestions, I might as well let them improve."

    Chong Ni impeached his forehead, and Feng Xingtian, who ordered a good dish, handed the menu to the shopkeeper.

    "Huh? Damn, this restaurant belongs to you?"

    Xie Wuya roared slowly, his wide eyes filled with shock, and the prince could go into business? This restaurant is getting more money every day, just how rich is his man?

    "Well, my father doesn't like me, and secretly didn't pay me a penny, so I had to make a living on my own. In addition to Jingtai Building, there are many other properties. If you are interested, I can ask Feiyang to summon various shops. 'S shopkeeper is here to greet you..."

    "Stop!" He couldn't listen anymore, Xie Wuya ignored the surprise of the shopkeeper, walked over and sat on his lap with his ass, holding his face and giving a kiss before slowly asking, "Is it tired?"

    Xie Wuya loves money, very much, but after hearing what he said, the first thing in his mind was not money, but distressed, deeply distressed for him, a dignified prince actually depends on himself Isn't it a great irony to make money to support yourself? The damn Emperor Feng, don't fall into his hands, otherwise...hehe, he has to beat him alive, how can there be a father who treats his own son like this in the world?

    "Haha... Fortunately, in fact, many industries were created by my uncle, and he didn't hand it over to me until I became an adult."

    Touching his face, Feng Xingtian's eyes were so soft that water dripped out. It is this warmth that he has fallen into. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Xie Wuya is not a qualified lover, but for him, Xie Wuya is the most precious treasure in the world.

His affection is too deep and too strong, Xie Wuya can't look at him frankly, and look away embarrassingly, it is guilty, he doesn't know, maybe he can wait until he falls in love with him like him. Accept his pampering with peace of mind, right?


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