chapter 2 Fighting King Feng Xing Tian

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The Palace of War Palace was full of trees and tall and straight green pine trees. Everywhere was filled with anger and sorrow, but it was also obvious at a glance that the Palace of War Palace did not have any feminine atmosphere. The back garden was called the garden, but there was not a single flower. No, that's not right. If people are considered flowers, the man in the big red wedding robe in the pavilion surrounded by trees is really a peony with a beautiful crown.

The man wears a golden crown, sword eyebrows into the temples, gold and silver pupils are clear and deep, under the tall nose, a sexy lips seem to maintain a ridiculous arc at all times, and the exquisite and beautiful facial features are no matter whether they are taken apart. Still together, they are definitely called Chen Yuluyan, gorgeously crowned and arrogant. It is a pity that such a beautiful face is not born on a woman's face, but a real, tall and upright man.

"The lord, the bride has paid his respects with the rooster in accordance with your instructions and was sent into the bridal chamber. The emperor and the prime minister's faces are not very beautiful, you see..."

A sturdy and sturdy man carrying a sword is silent. The interest appeared in the pavilion.

"When did Emperor Father's face look good?" I slowly poured myself a cup of tea and took a sip to my mouth gracefully, Feng Xingtian said mockingly. Since he remembered, he hadn't seen that man smile at him. However, I didn't expect it when I was a kid, but unfortunately, there is always only disappointment in addition to disappointment. Now he has no hope for him.

"Lord, you..."

Hearing this, the man raised his head and looked at him hesitantly. Feng Xingtian put down his teacup, elegantly fluffed up the long hair scattered behind him, and put his head on the stone table with one hand, funny Meets his sight.

"Hehe...Feiyang, why are you so polite between you and me? Just say anything." After saying that, Feng Xingtian also threw him an electric eye of 10,000 volts, his expression was ambiguous, and Feng Feiyang couldn't help his mouth. Convulsions, shit, the prince's temper is getting more and more fucked.

"Ahem... Lord, are you really at their mercy? The silence of these years is not enough? Now that they actually stuff you a princess as a princess, it's really insulting."

After finally suppressing the convulsions of the whole body, Feng Feiyang swept away the facial paralysis just now, and said with a little excitement, it is also the prince, if it was him, he would have already swung his sword to cut the family affection. In which round, the father and son would jump out from time to time Jumping?


Raised the corners of his lips lazily and gracefully, Feng Xingtian, who was rumored to be "crippled" by his legs, slowly stood up. The slender and well-proportioned figure is more perfect under the background of the red robe. If it is born in modern times, The title of Leg Oppa is none other than him.

"Feiyang, why do you think he would point me to the daughter  of the evil aspect? It just wants me to retire or divorce the other party, so that I can offend the evil person. Since I understand this, how can I let them get what they want? ? "

back to him overlooking the blue sky, the sound of the wind Xing Tian could not be the slightest feeling empty, just like the days of foreign general tone of indifference, life Jiutong wind blowing heart, mother, God really is fair, to With the unparalleled talent of the prince's cultivation base, the unpredictable strength, and the beautiful appearance, but let him stand on such a cheating father, it is too damn fucking.

"Let's go, go and see this king's little princess." The golden summoning book fell into the sky, and white light flashed suddenly. A snow-white tall wind wolf suddenly appeared. On the back of the wind wolf.

Seeing this scene, Feng Feiyang instantly took away the complexity in his heart, and his eyes were full of fierce worship. The contract between the summoned beast and the summoner is equal, and the general summoned beast will never allow the summoner to use himself as a mount. Yes, this is a kind of insult to them. It was not that the female summoner who hadn't been without the coquettish wanted to control the summoned beast, but in the end it was wounded. The determination of the summoned beast to die desperately broke the contract and returned to the summoning. Space, looking at today, I am afraid that only Feng Xingtian can freely control the king of the wolf clan.

How could the prince of the natural king let those filthy people desecrate him endlessly?

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