Chapter 52 Adventure in the Demon Mountains

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The training in the academy is arduous and strange, but the boys and girls are young and full of fighting spirit. No matter how difficult the training is, they will endure it through gritted teeth. Finally, they have been approved by Instructor Zhang, and they can go to the academy after the training.  The back mountain, the Demon Mountain Range that runs through the entire Ziling Country, can only be adventured outside, and absolutely cannot go deep. This is a great surprise for the students. Many people go forward together after training, but the sky  It will definitely come back before it gets dark. Who knows if the monsters in the depths of the Demon Mountains that have lived in the past dynasties will come out to sway after nightfall. It is a small matter to increase strength, and it is not worthwhile to lose a small life.

"Xingtian, I'll go with Henan Mengli and them to find some medicinal herbs in the Demon Mountains later. I've been studying alchemy recently, and I want to try it out to see if I can do it. I won't come with you in the afternoon."

Leaving the tableware and chopsticks, Xie Wuya simply said, he wanted to go for a long time, but the physical fitness of this body is really unbearable to see, after every training, he is exhausted and weak, it is rare that there is less training today, in the morning  It was done, and the plan that had been put on hold for nearly a month finally reminded him again.

"Well, that's fine, let Chang Feng accompany you."

Feng Xingtian nodded and rubbed his hair understandingly. In this month, even Si Yunan was promoted to a junior-middle-level summoner, but he didn't move at all. He must be very anxious, right?

"No need, the six of us are going, and it's only on the outskirts of the mountains. One is to find some common medicinal herbs, and the other is to train ourselves. Lord Hou's cultivation is too high, and we don't need to practice with him."

Xie Wuya, who has always listened to his words, but this time, he calmly and rationally refused his kindness. Xi Changfeng, who was holding his chest beside him, raised his eyebrows and didn't say anything. He didn't want to go anyway.

"Well, this is a poison specially designed to deal with cultivators. It is colorless and tasteless, and it will not kill anyone. It will only make people temporarily paralyzed. It is effective for cultivators below the general level. You only need to take it beforehand.  The antidote stands in a downwind place, and it is absolutely no problem to put it in dozens of people at a time, with self-defense, not afraid of 10,000, just in case."

Looking at Xi Changfeng, after pondering for a while, Feng Xingtian took out two small porcelain jars from his cuffs and handed them to him. If it wasn't for the crowd in the academy, he would still accompany him.  I'm not afraid, I'm afraid that he will enter the depths of the Demon Mountain Range regardless.

"Poison? I can have this, hehe... Thanks Xingtian!"

Eyes lit up, Xie Wuya grabbed the small porcelain bottle and leaned over to kiss him on the face. Poison is the most loving thing. There is no need to sweat or fight, and the battle can be easily ended. He must be sure  will work fine.

"You, remember, don't go deep."

Dotingly poked his forehead, Feng Xingtian said helplessly.

"Well...I see, I'll give you a present in a few days."

Touching his chin and looking at him, Xie Wuya's eyes rolled around, and it seemed that every time he rode Benlei out, it was too sensational. No wonder Xingtian rarely went out, hehe... There is something that should suit him very well.

"Oh? This king will look forward to it for now."

Raise his eyebrows, Feng Xingtian seems to be casual, only he knows how much he cares about the gift he said, this is the first time he wants to give him something!

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