Chapter 189 The same confident couple

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    "I don't know what Xing Tian wants?"

    After confirming that the queen and the two juniors will not interfere in this matter casually, the queen mother looked back at Feng Xingtian in satisfaction, Xing Tian, ​​how do you choose? Abandoning Xie Wuya or the throne at your fingertips?

    "Grandma Huang means that if Xing Tian wants to become emperor smoothly, he must establish a concubine and continue the royal bloodline, is that so?"

    The smile on the corner of his mouth widened unconsciously, and Feng Xingtian's flirtatious eyes looked confidently at the Queen Mother. No one can understand what kind of medicine is sold in his gourd, especially the Queen Mother, whose always shrewd eyes are full of doubts and incomprehensions. From the current situation, it seems that she can only nod.

    "Hehe... The grandson understands what Grandma Huang means, and Xing Tian will follow suit."


    The empress dowager was dumbfounded this time, did she hear correctly? Xing Tian compromised so easily? Doesn't he love Xie Wuya very much? For him, he did not hesitate to remove his disguise for many years, and faced the late emperor head-on, defending him strongly? She thought it would take a lot of words to convince him, but what's the situation now? Or, in front of the throne, even the ascetic Xing Tian would choose the throne and abandon the beauty? I don't know why, but she was the one who forced Feng Xingtian to become a concubine, but she was a little ashamed of his ruthlessness, and it could even be said to be annoyed, is it true that all men in the world are like this? No one will be truly loyal to love, to true love?

    Empress Xi Xue, Xi Changfeng and Yuchi Haoran are also stupid. They all stand in the same camp as Feng Xingtian, and naturally support Xie Wuya. No one can compare Feng Xingtian's feelings for Xie Wuya. They know better, especially Xi Changfeng, who has basically been the witness of their love along the way, how could Feng Xingtian, who loves Xie Wuya so much, agree to the queen mother's request so easily, even if he wanted to make Wuya the queen, Don't forget that you have to be a concubine, the concubine of the Sixth Palace, can he really bear it? Are you really afraid that Xie Wuya will leave angrily because of this?     The only one who can still laugh is probably Feng Xingtian, the client. Not only is he still smiling, but his smile is so charming, confident and calm, as if everything is in the palm of his hand, without any Worry and confusion made Monk Erzhang even more confused. What exactly does he want to do?

    At the same time, in the alchemy room exclusive to the head of Tianyu Academy, with the first success, the next refining process will be smoother. Almost every time, the transformation potion can be successfully refined, and someone is so surprised that even his mouth is closed. There was no way to close it, and finally spit on the table weakly, damn it, he was completely speechless to this perverted apprentice, such a powerful alchemy technique, he was simply inhuman.

    "OK, the refining is finally over, old man, tell me, what do you want from me?"

    After finishing the last refining, Xie Wuya sat down with a smile on his face, waved his right hand, and dozens of porcelain bottles appeared out of thin air. Putting the potion in the container into a porcelain bottle, he asked Xiao Jingchen in a good mood, he wouldn't be an idiot thinking that he just asked him to watch him make a fool of himself.

    "Huh? You already knew?"

    Hearing this, Xiao Jingchen's sluggish expression suddenly shook, and his whole body regained his energy in an instant, scanning his handsome and flawless face with a lot of eyes. This kid can really hold his breath. .

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