chapter 38

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Although the status of foreign students in Tianyu Academy is the lowest, Tianyu Academy is after all the first college in Ziling Country. The dormitory canteen is still quite large and clean. Following the instructor all the way to visit, Siyu Nankong Shaoyang and others are finally unwilling. It has completely disappeared, and Xie Wuya is even more satisfied, at least better than the college dormitory that was comparable to a pigpen!

"I hope everyone can practice hard and strive to graduate from the academy as soon as possible, and there is one thing I want to make in particular, that is, as long as you enter Tianyu Academy, whether you are a princess outside or a young lady, I will treat you equally. If you make a mistake, you will be punished, so please put away your self-righteous arrogance early. Here, you are students, and my tutors and I are your gods. Do you understand?" After

visiting the dormitory, we return to the ring, The tutor in charge of all the students in the outer courtyard darkened his face, and instantly became rigorous and terrifying. The eyes of more than three hundred people collectively turned to the gracious Xie Wuya. The tutor's remarks were clearly aimed at him, let alone the outer courtyard. Now, he is the only princess in the entire Tianyu Academy.


A row of gorgeous black lines climbed up to the forehead instantly, Xie Wuya was dumbfounded, and looked at the tutor on the stage, ignoring the scorching eyes cast from all directions, the cherry-red small lips were at a speed that the naked eye could reach. It rose little by little.

"Yes, I heard it, but... um... sorry, forgot what your last name is, mentor, if you can make everyone not think of me as a princess, I will be very grateful."

After he finished speaking, Xie Wuya bowed to him in a very gentleman manner. Since everyone's attention was on him, even if he did not deliberately raise the volume, every word he said was still clear. It spread to everyone's ears. This time even the eyes of a dozen tutors on the stage gathered on him. Si Yunan, Lan Ting and others couldn't help but toss at his robes in fear. Isn't it too big? People just said, mentors are their god, fucking guy, can't you just be a little restful?

"You don't need to worry about Princess Zhan. Although Tianyu Academy is under the control of Ziling Country, it is not under the control of Ziling Country. Entering here, let alone the princess, even the prince will not attract the attention of others. Of course, I have been young too. After all, the King of War is the patron saint of our Ziling Kingdom and the idol of all students. Sometimes some people will inevitably find trouble for you for idols. You can tell us or solve it by yourself. As long as you have the ability, in principle The academy advocates the supremacy of force, and there is no hard and fast rule that you cannot fight inwardly. If you encounter a degree that must be fateful, you can also decide the winner in this life and death arena under the premise of mutual agreement. I say that the princess can Understand?"

It doesn't seem to be annoyed by Xie Wuya's rudeness. The thin-looking tutor has hot eyes and a loud voice. Those students who were still hostile to Xie Wuya instantly grabbed their minds, no Looking away naturally, the instructor's remarks were clearly meant for them.

"Of course, thank you Teacher Zhang!"

Naughty gave him a standard boy scout salute, Xie Wuya smiled in satisfaction, hehe, this instructor is very good, he is worried about how to solve those pointers. With this death-free gold medal and the personal protection of Xi Changfeng, who is as strong as Feng Xingtian, he wants to see who dares to provoke him!

Tsk tsk... Xiao Wuya, you are obviously a villain!

"If you are okay, start training now, whether you are a summoner or a swordsman archer, no matter how talented you are, good physical fitness is the key to promotion. Therefore, a pair of two runs a 100-meter round trip. Time is an hour."


While the training mission was dispatched, the entire assembly venue was full of grief, damn, one hour of a hundred meters hurried back and forth, this is a life-threatening rhythm!

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