Chapter 156 The Real Purpose

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    "What are you afraid of? Why don't you dare? Hmph, I see that you all colluded with Xie Aotian to unite to make a rebellion."

    Seeing this, Fenghuang snorted coldly, but laughed in his heart. , as long as you stabilize this group of courtiers who echo what they say, the rest will be easy.

    "I don't dare to wait, please let Your Majesty know it."

    "Please, Your Majesty, let me know!"

    At this point, the courtiers no longer dare to make mistakes, but they still have doubts in their hearts. Some things are like the seeds of plants, although it is possible It temporarily stopped growing due to the obstruction of some external factors, but it was only temporary. Once a suitable opportunity was found, it would thrive. Xie Aotian wanted exactly this result. After all, the imperial power came from the Canglan Continent. It is still supreme, and it is impossible to overthrow it with just a few words from him.

    "Hmph, Xie Aotian, the original evil pearl's infidelity can still be opened to the public and let go of the evil family, but you framed me in public and incited the ministers, you can't escape the guilt, but I am not unreasonable. People, since you say you have evidence, I will give you a quarter of an hour to get those so-called evidences, so that if I am as shameless as you say, I will immediately give way to the prince, and from now on Don't meddle in the affairs of the court, on the contrary, Xie Aotian, you can't blame me for being ruthless."

    Glancing at the ministers who were kneeling on the ground with satisfaction, Feng Huang turned his attention to Xie Aotian who was standing proudly. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the situation is not so bad. His original plan was to use the evil pearl to eradicate the evil family, but that was obviously a bit far-fetched. Now it is good, Xie Aotian took the initiative to send him to kill him. This is a golden opportunity. , would he let it go so easily?

    Hearing this, Xie Aotian's face was covered with ridicule. It seemed that he was underestimated. He was sure that if he really brought evidence to the palace, he would probably die before he could enter the palace gate. Xiao Ran is ruthless, what can't he do?

    "Hehe... Your Majesty really treats Aotian as a fool, how could I put such important things in the Xiejia? Even if it is really put at home, I can't go back and get it now. As soon as Tian dies, someone will announce the evidence you want to the world, so don't be too surprised by that time, Your Majesty."

    This is undoubtedly the first time Xie Aotian has shown a smile in public since he became an adult. He's so handsome, it's no worse than Feng Xingtian and Duanmu in the slightest. Even Feng Huang couldn't help but stunned. I haven't seen his smile for a long time, but... if they weren't opposites, if his smile wasn't full of sarcasm, maybe, he would. Are you happy?

    "Okay, very good."

    Fenghuang also smiled, walked back slowly and sat down, signalling the ministers to get up before saying in a hurry: "You all see it? Xie Aotian can't produce evidence at all. Come on, since this is the case, Xie Aotian, don’t blame me for not caring about the feelings of the monarch and ministers, and from now on, I will be removed from the position of Prime Minister of Xie Aotian, put on death row, and be executed in the busy city three days later!

    ” He can't pry open his mouth, once those things are in hand, his death date will come, and he wants him to die very ugly.

    Hearing his verdict, the entire court was so silent that only the sound of breathing could be heard. A generation of virtuous prime ministers ended up like this. Is it because Fenghuang was vicious and wanted to kill people and silenced, or was the evil one who was confused and deliberately fabricated the facts to provoke the dragon. Yan was furious and finally got burned?

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