Chapter 95 How can it be a waste to use it on brothers?

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    Needless to say, the result of the assessment, apart from Xie Wuya and the others, who would have the nerve to take the first place? Two ten thousand-year-old vermilion fruits are worth all the harvests of others. It is worthwhile to contribute to them. Fortunately, the academy is still relatively humanized. The Lingzhi students who are turned over to the statistics can be divided into five or five. It is simple. Said that, if Xie Wuya can get back one of the two ten thousand-year-old vermilion fruits, it is better than nothing, right? This made his aching heart a little better, but... the next thing that made his heart hurt even more came again, what's the matter? What else could have happened, Feng Xingtian was leaving, ignoring the complaints and black lines of his friends Chi Guoguo, Xie Wuya forcibly staged a 18-mile send-off in front of everyone, that scene, not to mention how embarrassing Now, Si Yunan and the others who were not far behind them were getting farther and farther away, and in the end they didn't keep up at all. It's a shame, Nima, how could they know such a bad guy!

    "Wuya, don't be sad, it's not like the lord is gone forever, don't you like the food in Jingtai Building? I invite you to have a big meal?"

    Feng Xingtian walked for a while, Xie Wuya was still stupid He stood at the gate of the city and looked in the direction he was leaving. Si Yunan and the others looked at me and I looked at you. He couldn't bear to go up and hug his shoulders and said, although he was a little exaggerated about Feng Xingtian's stickiness and horror. , but how they also watched the two of them come along the way, they can understand his sadness to some extent. It is said that the prince will be away at least for more than a month this time. It is the first time that they have been separated for so long, so he should be so sad, right?

    "Brother Wuya, I'm so hungry, how about asking Fatty to invite us?"

    Knowing that he couldn't stand her coquettishness, Lan Ting pulled his arm and pouted coquettishly. She didn't like seeing brother Wuya sad.

    "Yeah, Wuya, we haven't eaten since we came out, let's go eat some?"

    Di Zijian is not as thick-skinned as Si Yunan and Lan Ting, so he can't be coquettish and cute, so he can only gently suggest that Xie Wuya Naturally, it is more suitable for publicity and domineering, and this kind of sadness and loss is not suitable for him.

    "Look at what you're doing, the lord didn't let you go."

    His eyes were full of worry, but his words were always unpleasant. Sometimes Kong Shaoyang himself despised himself a little, so he couldn't show his concern. With obvious point?

    Xi Changfeng didn't say anything, just stood silently on the side with his arms folded over his chest. The older they were, the more comprehensive and thorough they would be to see things. It was never suitable for outsiders to intervene in emotional matters. Will be able to cheer up soon.  

      Xie Wuya, who was concerned and worried by everyone, didn't feel it or didn't hear it, but he couldn't get his spirits up. The whole person seemed to have lost the nutrients for survival in an instant. Feng Xingtian left and took him away. Half of my heart was also taken away.  



       I don't know how long it was silent, Xie Wuya finally regained his spirits, just opened his mouth, Si Yunan jumped up in front of him excitedly, looking at his eager appearance, a drop of gorgeousness Li's sweat hangs on her forehead. Damn, is this necessary?     The others took a few big steps back collectively, their faces were black enough to rival the lids of the pots, grandma had legs, they didn't know that person, they had never seen him before, it was a fucking shame.    

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