Chapter 62 I'm going to kill them!

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The alchemy room was a mess, with broken utensils everywhere. Xie Wuya stood in front of the alchemy table with his hair disheveled. On the table were many raw materials that had been ground into medicinal powder or potion. In the transparent crystal utensils in front of him, light green  The liquid was spitting out bubbles, and Xie Wuya was trying to put the powder from the root of the light spirit grass. After numerous failures, this time he not only replaced the mountain spring water with the purest distilled water, but also used mental power to remove all the impurities of the herb.  It has to be cleaned and ground into powder. Now is the last step. As long as the Qingling grass is fused with the potion, the speed potion will be successfully refined.

"Don't explode, don't explode..."

Carefully use a container with a pointed mouth to pour a small amount of light grass powder into the container, and the phoenix eyes stare at the change of the liquid for a moment. The only difference between alchemy and chemical experiments is that alchemy will explode if it is not careful.  He has experienced it countless times in the past few days, and he never wants to experience it again.


After all the light grass powder was added, the bubbling speed of the liquid in the container doubled. Xie Wuya was so nervous that he even stopped breathing. Knowing that everything was calm, the corners of his lips slowly opened to the sides.

"Haha...successful, labor and capital finally succeeded..."

After realizing that he had successfully made the potion, Xie Wuya grabbed the vessel and jumped three feet high. Excited laughter spread throughout the alchemy room. After countless experiments, he finally learned alchemy.  .

"Tsk tsk... Listen to the painful laughter and know that you have succeeded."

At the same time, Di Zijian, Han Mengli and Lan Ting pushed open the door and walked in. Everyone had smiles on their faces, and they knew he would succeed.

"Haha... You came just right, Lan Ting, help me put this potion into a porcelain bottle, and I want to try the strength potion."

Dese took out a lot of small white porcelain bottles from the space, Xie Wuya handed over the porcelain bottles and utensils to Lan Ting, turned around and started pouring other herbs, the three of them shook their heads helplessly, silently helping him pour the potion.  Separated in jars.

"Haha... I succeeded again. Sure enough, the success rate of distilled water is much higher than that of mountain spring water, and as long as the herbs are added in reverse, the chance of failure is basically zero, haha... Labor and management are really genius..."

More than ten minutes later, Xie Wuya held the utensil and laughed so hard. Han Mengli and the others who were waiting on the side looked at each other. They had not tried the medicine yet. What was he?  Energetic?

"Brother Wuya, congratulations!"

Tucao returns to Tucao, Lan Ting is still very happy for him to see his success.

"Honey, I'll give you this power potion."

Saying that, Xie Wuya handed him the vessel, haha... He is about to develop.


Lan Ting turned petrified in an instant, and the smile froze on her face. It wasn't because she didn't trust Xie Wuya, the main reason was... this was just made by him.  What if there are any side effects of the untested potion?  Mei Mu looked at Han Mengli and Di Zijian for help, woohoo... She doesn't want to be a guinea pig!

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