chapter 112

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    "Don't talk, eat this."

    Xie Wuya took out a bottle of potion from the space and poured it into his mouth, grabbed his wrist with his right hand, and the purple-white energy poured into his body continuously.

    "Xie Wuya, just follow me if you don't want to hurt innocent people."

    Linghu Ran chased after them, looking at them arrogantly with a condescending expression, his brows were full of arrogance.

    "It's just you?" Raised his head and gave him a cold look, Xie Wuya curled his lips in disdain, and after confirming that Instructor Zhang could absorb the medicine on his own, he stood up slowly and faced him face to face without fear. Violent purple and white energy surrounds his body, Xie Wuya is angry, his patience is limited, he has troubled him time and time again before, he just doesn't want to be like a dog, but... he said it long ago ? Those who move the people he cares about, die!

    "Do you want to fight with this elder?"

    Looking at him amusingly, the sixth elder could not help but come out mockingly. He is only a mid-level scholar, why should he fight with him? He could have run over him with one finger.

    "I don't dare to do it, I just want to ask the elders for advice." While speaking  , the Thunder Sword appeared strangely in his hand. His always smiling face was no longer smiling, his eyes were frozen three feet, and he was too lazy to even greet him. After a flash, countless sword flowers slashed in a frenzied manner.

    "Zizi~" The  harsh sound of breaking through the air sounded, like destroying dry and rotten trees. Wherever we went, nothing was left, but...

    "Xie Wuya, stop making trouble, and take Teacher Zhang down to rest." A pure white figure flashed . When he raised his hand, he turned all his attacks into nothingness, and Duanmu Li, who had always stood by and never was born, finally made his move at this moment. I don't know how brave he is. The sixth elder is also a king. How could he challenge him with a scholar?

    "Fuck you, why are you pretending to be a good person here? Didn't you do all this? Duanmu Li, get out of the way."

    It's good that he didn't come out. As soon as he saw his exquisite and perfect handsome face, Xie Wuya's anger rose up, and the long sword in his hand was madly waving, and the purple and white energy was mixed with the strong sword wind. Sharp flying towards him, damn, I have seen hypocrisy and contrived, who the hell has seen such a hypocritical person like Duanmu Li, who has provoked trouble, and now stands up as a good person, what does he think of him? Brain disabled? Damn, even if he died here today, he didn't want to owe him favors.

    "Xie Wuya..." A pain flashed across his eyes. Duanmuli tried to get close to him while avoiding his crazy and disorderly attack, and grabbed the sword in his hand. Not dead enough.

    "Go away, Mo Ling, Changfeng, come out and help me."

    Thunder Sword slammed out a strong sword wind, and Xie Wuya quietly opened the space while he was not paying attention.




    In less than a second, Mo Ling's violent clamor suddenly remembered, and then, Xi Changfeng, Di Zijian and others all appeared out of thin air, Duanmu Li's eyes narrowed. , Before he could figure out where they came from, the sharp claws of the magic bell rushed down towards the top of his head, forcing him to retreat quickly.

    "Changfeng, Mengli, Shaoyang, Duanmuli to you, Moling, Yunan, Zijian, let's join forces to kill that immortal soul Dan, Lan Ting, you take care of your mentor." Ignoring     their concerns, Xie Wuya covered his face with frost and looked at the two people opposite him with murderous intent. He never hated people, because hating people was just like a lover. It makes people want to vomit, and one is so arrogant that it hurts all kinds of eggs, and most importantly, they all touched his inverse scales.     "Yes!"     They have known each other for so long, and they have never seen Xie Wuya's decisive side. They vaguely sensed that he might really have murderous intentions. No one asked the reason.

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