Chapter 56 Even if you dig three feet in the ground, this king will also find Wu

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Xie Wuya committed suicide by jumping into the pool. When Si Yunan and the others waited for an hour, they were convinced that Xie Wuya had no chance of surviving, and after they went into the water and could not find his body, the group of five people were completely stunned, and even  He even forgot to inform Feng Xingtian when he went back, the five of them were like eggplants beaten by frost, paralyzed by the pool, tears streaming down their cheeks uncontrollably.

It was they who killed Wuya. If they weren't cruel enough, how could Wuya do it himself, how could he take responsibility for himself, and finally choose to commit suicide?  It's all their fault, they're sorry for Wuya... Everyone has been together for so long, most of them still understand Xie Wuya's character. It's impossible for someone like him to commit suicide, but this is the only explanation they got after being sad for a long time.  , he must have committed suicide because of self-blame, he couldn't think about it for a while, absolutely!

"Brother Wu Ya..."

The saddest thing is Lan Ting. Since Xie Wuya told her to pick her up three years ago, those who look down on her but dare not bully him openly will turn to bullying her. She is often beaten for inexplicable reasons.  The uncle was locked in the firewood room, but she never complained against him once, but was glad that she could help him prevent some disasters, and in the dead of night, Wuya would quietly come to bring her something to eat and sit in the firewood room.  Accompanying her outside, life is very hard, but very happy.

I remember brother Wu Ya learned that he had to marry the Can Queen. He was in so much pain that he couldn't eat for several days, and she was so anxious that her tears flowed down. Later, the two agreed that even if the Can Wang had both legs crippled, he would probably never be able to eat.  They won't like him either. They also have to stay in the palace and cut off all contact with Yuxie's family. But the concubine knew about this. She forcibly broke them up, so that she could only watch Wuya helplessly.  The elder brother sat alone in the sedan chair. In order to protect the agreement with elder brother Wuya, she finally took out the evil family. When she saw that he was doing well and that the lord loved him very much, she seemed so happy.  It was because he was happy that God finally opened his eyes.

But... it's only been a few months, how can God be so cruel to Brother Wuya?

"Clap clap clap..."

The slap sounded abruptly, Kong Shaoyang slapped himself over and over again, and his handsome face instantly became red and swollen, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, and he slapped himself with both hands in turn, trying to use force.

I have only known Xie Wuya for more than a month. He is usually a very annoying person. He likes to joke and tease people, especially when he sometimes eats their tofu.  But he doesn't have any superior arrogance. He often gets into trouble with them, and occasionally points them in a state of confusion. In his mind, Xie Wuya is a true friend, a good brother, but... why did he kill him?  is he?  Why can't you be more mature and think about the reasons for what he did from the perspective of Wuya?  why why why?

In the past, when he slapped himself like this in Russia, maybe other people would grab him, but today no one has moved. Like him, they are also deeply remorseful in their hearts. Xie Wuya's 'death' has become a piece  The boulder pressed tightly on his heart, and no one had the strength to care about others. If they had a choice, they would never stop him from killing the Chiyan Pig, and would even do it in his place.

The reality is cruel, after this battle, some of them understood a little bit.

"What about Wu Ya?"

Feng Xingtian, who went back first, waited in the academy for a long time. Seeing that it was getting dark, Wu Ya and the others had not returned. He was so anxious that he rode Ben Lei to find him.  Duanmu Li and Xi Changfeng, who had returned from their trip, saw the five people paralyzed by the edge of the water pool, heartbroken, and only Xie Wuya could not be seen.  Duanmu Lixi Changfeng glanced at each other, and both followed, nothing really happened, right?

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