Chapter 124 The Feiyuan Family

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    Lan Ting was dumbfounded, her tears stopped instantly, did she hear it right? Did she mean to help her silly Feiyang brother's fiancée? What the hell is going on in her mind? Why don't you listen to the point? The point of Nima is not that Feiyang brother's fiancee, but that she can't be a mistress, okay?

    "'re cute!"

    Seeing this, Luo Qingcheng couldn't help laughing. This little girl is so funny. If she could, she would really like to keep her in the forbidden area of ​​Feiyuan to accompany her. Unfortunately, human lifespan is limited. Yes, even if she really left her, the years she could accompany her were only a few decades.

    "Weird, I've already said the reason, can I leave?" With a

    strange look at him, Lan Ting stepped back calmly, although everyone is a woman, but... I don't know why, see Her smile was as beautiful as that of a moonlight fairy, her heart couldn't help beating wildly, and her cheeks were so hot that you didn't even need to touch it to know that it must be very red, this person is a complete freak Coffee, stay away and be safe.

    Hearing this, Luo Qingcheng frowned in disbelief, the smile on his face faded instantly, stood up, raised his head and looked at the moon hanging high in the sky in loneliness, and said indifferently: "This is the forbidden area of ​​Feiyuan, there are facilities outside. There is a barrier, I don't know how you broke in, if you can get out, go out, remember, don't come in again."

    Looking at her lonely profile, Lan Ting found that she didn't She didn't know where the Feiyuan Forbidden Land was, and she didn't want to know. What she was curious about was the enchantment she was talking about. She was not an idiot. The enchantment was obviously for her. Have the heart to keep such a beauty here? How long has she been held here?

    "Qingcheng, how long have you been here?"

    Lan Ting sighed lightly and stepped forward, hugging her arms intimately, Luo Qingcheng's body shook, her head turned stiffly, and she looked down. Holding her hands holding her arms, how long has she not been exposed to human body temperature?

    "What's wrong? Did I ask a question that shouldn't be asked?"

    Looking at her strangely, Lan Ting asked cautiously, just about to withdraw her hand, but she grabbed her, and when she met her suspicious gaze, Luo Qingcheng raised the corner of her lips.

    "No, it's just that I haven't been in contact with others for a long time, so I'm not used to it. Let's go, I'll show you the most beautiful scenery."


    At the same time as the voice fell, Luo Qingcheng wrapped her arms around her waist and held her lightly. She flew towards the opposite mountain, Lan Ting screamed in fright, holding her clothes tightly with both hands, Damn, without such a scary thing, what would happen with a notification?


    The moving laughter from the heart filled the whole night sky, Luo Qingcheng laughed wildly and wildly, and even Lan Ting, who was extremely repelled by her, was infected. Laugh, in fact, Luo Qingcheng is quite a good person, although it is a little strange.

    "Wow, it's so beautiful to drive down from here, Qingcheng, look at it, is that a firefly? It's so beautiful, it's like a star sprinkled with dust."

    Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, there are stars everywhere at the bottom of the mountain. , So beautiful that people couldn't bear to look away, Lan Ting instantly transformed into a naive and lovely little loli, excitedly pulling Luo Qingcheng's hand and shouting.

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