chapter 15 Wuya I love you!

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    But  he waited for a while. Instead of waiting for the tiger's sharp teeth and claws, he heard a painful beast neighing and the sound of a heavy object landing, shaking his body and carefully removing his hands. , The first thing that imprinted under his eyes was the pure white claws, following the claws all the way up, Feng Xingtian's familiar back appeared in his sight, Xie Wuya's eyes reddened, and mist quickly rose to the bottom of his eyes.

    "The lord..." The summoned beast was struck by the wind wolf, but the blue butterfly didn't have the energy to worry about it. With a small mouth, Chu Chu looked up at Feng Xingtian pitifully, planning to come to a wicked person to sue first, but... "Flying, the palace Send all the women in here, right away!" The  gold and silver pupils exuded a coquettish cold light, Feng Xingtian didn't even look at those women, and his cold voice carried an unquestionable command, as long as he thought that he would be one step later. , Wuya may be killed under the tiger's claws, Feng Xingtian couldn't help having a bloodthirsty impulse to kill.


    Feng Feiyang unceremoniously invited the iron-clad knights in the shadows, twisting one by one, and getting them out without any pity, even though he also disliked all kinds of obscure and obsessive Xie Wuya, he looked down even more. These women who approached their prince with purpose, at least Xie Wuya is very simple, isn't it? As the son of an evil aspect, he will always only have use value for the prince, and there will be no deadly threat.

    "Wuya, are you okay? Did you hurt anything?"

    After Qingsongge was only left with the two of them, Feng Xingtian jumped down and squatted in front of him. His exquisite and handsome face was intertwined with worry and self-blame. He should be left alone in the palace.

    "Xing... Xingtian?" He raised his head and met his gaze blankly. The pupils that were dilated due to the excessive fright gradually condensed. After confirming that he was indeed the Feng Xing Tian, ​​Xie Wuya rushed into his arms.

    "Xing Tian..."

    The word Xingtian was so hoarse and broken, Feng Xingtian folded his arms tightly around him, his heart seemed to be smashed by someone with a blunt knife, and the pain made him stop breathing until At this moment, he realized that in just one month, Xie Wuya's position in his mind was ten thousand times heavier than he thought!

    "Xing Tian... Xing Tian..."

    Xie Wuya didn't cry, but called his name over and over again, shaking his body. This time he was really frightened. He didn't have the strong foundation of strength like other traversers, let alone anything. With a weird explosive power, he was just a very ordinary otaku. By chance, he came to this world by chance. Under the strict protection of Fengxingtian, he had no chance to see the cruelty of this world, but he didn't want to... just now he thought he was really going to die. It's terrible, that's a real tiger! A beast that can easily tear his claws at random, a bloodthirsty beast that makes him feel infinitely small and fragile in life! If Xing Tian didn't rush back in time, then he...faced with the threat of death, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, he will never be able to become strong, especially Xie Wuya.

    "Don't be afraid, I will bring you wherever I go in the future, and I will never leave you alone to face danger like today. Be good, close your eyes and sleep for a while, and you will be fine when you wake up."

    He picked him up and Feng Xingtian made a firm promise that he was a man who lacked love and was extremely lonely. Even if he knew that his father didn’t like him before, in order to get a compliment from him, he would not hesitate to put on his thirteen-year-old childishness. Armor, he fought hard, but in the end... he became the youngest god of war in Ziling Kingdom and even Canglan Continent. He won the respect of the people of the world, but he alone did not get his father's love. After countless disappointments, he was completely awake and personally led a mysterious assassination, withdrew from the court on the grounds of crippling, and withdrew from the sight of his father.

    I thought he might have lived like this in this life. A reluctant imperial decree, a serial conspiracy design, a son helplessly counterattack, Wuya came to him, the moment he knew he was a man on the wedding night, he was the heart As gray as death, he understood the serial calculations of his biological father in an instant, but when he easily said that he wanted to stay by his side, even if he knew in his heart that he was only coveting his own beauty, he was still moved. He was obviously timid and fearful. His heart fell completely when he defended him at all times to protect him from grandma and father, but at that time he didn’t know that he had fallen in love with him. He just used it. Do everything possible to keep him by his side, until today he did not know that he loves him, loves him very much!

    As if he hadn't heard his promise, Xie Wuya didn't say anything, and didn't call his name anymore. His slender body shrank in his arms, greedily sucking in the warmth of his embrace.

    Putting him on chuang carefully and tenderly, Feng Xingtian stroked his pale face distressedly, Xie Wuya slowly opened his eyes, but crashed into those undisguised and sincerely loving eyes. I couldn't help shrinking, my heart tensed, helplessly rushing to his throat, what he was worried about finally happened, but at this moment he didn't want to push him away, only he knew that this man made his heart move more than ever. It’s the beauty of the world. What he is really worried about is not that he falls in love with himself, but that he will inadvertently hurt him. He doesn’t know himself better than him. He is not a man with strong self-control, sometimes even himself. I can't control myself.

    "Don't go, sleep with me!"

    Grabbing him and stroking his hand, Xie Wuya showed his fragility for the first time. He has been away from home all the year round, living alone in a strange city, his heart is lonely and closed, unwilling Accepting other people's, coupled with the shock just now, he suddenly wanted to forget everything he used to, and try to respond to his feelings.

    "Well, I won't go, be good, just sleep."

    No longer claiming to be the king, Feng Xingtian simply climbed up to Chuang as a man and hugged him tightly into his arms.


    Lie on his firm and warm chest, Xie Wuya closed his eyes contentedly, his body slowly relaxed, his breathing gradually calmed down, until it was confirmed that he was asleep, Feng Xingtian raised his chin and lowered his head on his. A light kiss on the lips.

    "Wuya, I love you!"

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