Chapter 16 Decided to Become Strong, Try to Love You

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 Before he knew it, Feng Xingtian fell asleep leaning on Xie Wuya. When he woke up, there was no Xie Wuya figure on his pillow. Feng Xingtian panicked, thinking about his usual escape from feelings, fiercely. Leap jumped up from Chuang, but after stepping out of the screen, he saw him curled up on the window frame in a thin sly clothes, his eyes looked up at the darkening sky outside, seeming to be thinking about something.

    "What are you thinking?"

    He took a cloak and walked over to help him put it on. Feng Xingtian hugged him intimately from behind him, Xie Wuya relaxed and closed his eyes, leaning gently on his chest, rare and serious Said: "Xingtian, am I really weak?" The question was a little bit of self-blame and fragility. Xie Wuya has traveled into this world for more than a month, and has never considered his own strength or weakness. Cultivation or something, always thinking that as long as he does not take the initiative to provoke others, whether he has a cultivation level is not that important. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a waste or not, but today he knows that sometimes it’s not that you don’t provoke others and others won’t provoke you. He is decadent and wretched, but he is not without his own arrogance and dignity. A woman almost took his life. This is simply a shame for him, and finally made him start to face his already It's time to travel to the fact that this is a different world who pays attention to cultivation and pays attention to strength.

    "Fool, people don't determine their value by cultivation. In my mind, you are very strong. Don't think about it. I will never let you encounter such a crisis today."

    Hearing what he said, Feng Xingtian felt in his heart. He tightened, holding his arms tightly, leaning his head on his shoulders, and spit out a firm promise. Since he loves him, he will never let go again, let alone put him in danger.


    Xie Wuya laughed sadly, not unmoved, but... he is also a man, how can he curl up in the arms of others for the rest of his life and seek protection from others? This is something he cannot accept anyway.

    Feng Xingtian frowned almost unchecked, and shrewdly understood the sadness in his laughter. He was also a man. He was able to understand his sorrow, but... he couldn't let him go. As far as he knew, evil Wuya should accept the third and final summoner assessment of Tianyu Academy immediately. If he wants to become stronger, he must go to Tianyu Academy to accept the assessment. If he passes the assessment, he must enter the Academy and start various With all kinds of study and practice, they will gather less and leave more, and they will never be able to stay together all the time like they do now.

    "Xing Tian, ​​I don’t think I can stay in the house anymore."

    After a long silence, Xie Wuya slowly opened his eyes, and there was no decadence and desolation in his eyes, only firmness and persistence. He didn’t want to laugh at the world, but He will never let the humiliation and despair of today fall again. He has to become stronger, learn to adapt to the world, and have the ability to protect himself and the people he cares about.

    "There are still ten days to be the Tianyu Academy's annual cultivation base assessment. If you want to go... just go."

    Closing your eyes and gritting your teeth, Feng Xingtian finally chose to let go. If you love him, you should respect him. He is learning. How I love him, I am trying to persuade myself, he should also have the sky where he soars.

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