Chapter 51 Weird Training

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Having a portable space is convenient. I don’t know when I will be able to come back when I go to the college. The food in the college is not good. Xie Wuya specially ordered people to find many small chickens and ducks.  The housekeeper made a large table of delicious food and threw it in together with the table. Finally, when Feng Xingtian didn't find it, he got their big bed in too.  , as long as he thinks about it, he won't be afraid of wronging himself in the future. When he wants to have sex, he can directly pull Feng Xingtian in, and he is not afraid of being disturbed by others.

Well, if you can use space to such a degree, I am afraid that you will not be able to find anyone except Xie Wuya.

The next day was the official training session. The density of difficulty was something Xie Wuya had never imagined. As soon as he and Lan Ting returned to the academy, they were taken to the training ground by Instructor Zhang, sweating like a rain of sweat.

"Wuya, why do I think your smile is so wretched?"

During the training, Si Yunan tilted his head and looked at him strangely. Although Han Mengli and the others didn't say anything, there was the same curiosity in their eyes. He could still laugh after such a hard training. What good things happened?

"Hehe... It's not suitable for children to know."

The mysterious thief laughed twice, Xie Wuya was stunned, his mind was full of pictures of passionate entanglement with Feng Xingtian last night, his sex with the beauty became more and more tacit and harmonious, it was really beautiful.


The foreheads of the four people turned black, and they looked at him like a monster, aren't you a child?  Are we about the same age?

"Xie Wuya, Han Mengli, what are you doing, don't let Lao Tzu rush over..."

After such a delay, Instructor Zhang's harsh roar came over. Several people looked back at his black face in tacit understanding, stuck out their tongues at him mischievously, and rushed into the lotus pond in front of them with a plop. Their training is no longer today.  It is a round-trip sprint, but it crosses the lotus pond. The burden on the legs is very heavy. Many people have not yet reacted, and their legs are deeply immersed in the quagmire. It is a problem to move, let alone reach the opposite side.

"Will this intensity be too great? They are all stuck in the mud."

The roots of the lotus are very deep, and the silt inside is definitely deeper than ordinary pools. Hundreds of students have not passed through, and the furthest they have walked is only in the center. Duanmu Li looked at Instructor Zhang in plain clothes, proper physical training.  It is necessary for cultivators, and it is not good to overdo it.

"It's up to them. In the middle of next year, the triennial Tianyuan Competition will be held in Qinghong Kingdom. Yesterday, the dean came to the news that a national challenge will be held in Tianyu Academy before that.  Only the top ten students will have the opportunity to represent Tianyu in the competition, regardless of the inner and outer colleges, only the strength. Although there has never been a precedent for a student from an outer college to defeat a student from the inner college, or even the foundation of an elder, this time, the students who came in are generally talented.  It's all good, especially Han Mengli, Di Zijian and Kong Shaoyang, as well as Xie Wuya who summoned the strange purple summoning book with infinite possibilities. I hope they can create miracles and give them to the arrogant inner courtyard disciples.  A head-on hit."

Looking blankly at the students who were struggling in the quagmire, Instructor Zhang said solemnly, they gave him hope and made his heart that had been dead for many years come to life again, swept away the laziness of the past, and even left those old students behind.  , dedicated time to supervise their training, whether they can succeed depends on them, as a mentor, he can only do so much.

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