Chapter 20

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   The so-called assessment, to put it bluntly, is a kind of entrance test, just like a modern entrance examination. Only those who have reached the score can enter that school. The difference is that the score in this world is not Arabic, but natural. Spiritual power and talent for cultivation.

    The entrance examination of the summoner is to summon the summoning book within a specified time, while the sword master and the archer gather energy. As long as they meet this standard, they can enroll immediately. At the same time, they will receive the grade medal issued by the corresponding association. A formal summoner or a swordsman archer has truly entered the ranks of spiritual practice.

    The assessment is very simple. The elders of Tianyu Academy put up a special formation on the arena. All the students who need to be assessed enter the formation in batches. If they meet the requirements within the specified time, they will pass, otherwise they will be eliminated.

    As the highest training institution in Ziling Country, often a little bit capable teenagers and girls from all over the country will work hard to participate in the annual entrance examination of Tianyu Academy, so most of the people who can gather here are the descendants of major families in various cities. Poor people such as Di Zijian Kong Shaoyang are very rare. Even if they pass the assessment, if they don’t have super talents to lay the foundation, they can only be reduced to ordinary students from the outer courtyard. The nobles are different. With the support of the family, those elders will more or less give them some face, and those who are talented will be directly accepted as closed disciples, and they will personally teach them the cultivation skills.

    "Mengli, I'm a little nervous." I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Xie Wuya got the first round of assessment at the same time. Just before the start, Si Yunan pitifully pulled Han Mengli's sleeve. The chubby face was full of nervousness. When he said that, even Di Zijian and Kong Shaoyang couldn't help but become nervous. For this assessment, they almost used up all their savings at home. If they fail to pass , What face do they have to go back to meet their family?

    "Don't be afraid! I'm here."

    Han Mengli, who was born with little speech, couldn't find any suitable words of comfort for a while, so he could only hold his hand and silently comfort him. Si Yunan not only didn't Relaxing, on the contrary, I became more tense, and even my breathing gradually became disordered.



    Suddenly, Xie Wuya slapped it, and Si Yunan, who was originally trembling with nervousness, held the back of the beaten head exaggeratedly, and looked at him with aggrieved eyes. The other three were also puzzled.

    "You're nervous, it's a man to cheer up labor and management. Do you want to be laughed at for the rest of your life?"

    "Ah? How do you know?"

    Si Yu Nan's eyes widened, and the tension and pain disappeared instantly. How do you know that he has been ridiculed by family members?

    "Nonsense, look at your body will know, do not want to be looked down upon never gave me cheer up, grow fat is not your fault, use your strength to tell those who are ignorant, fat is also a spring."

    Light rip soon Xie Wuya was rare and serious. The reason why he can see the facts that others can’t see is not that he is smarter than others, but that he from the 21st century knows Fatty’s sorrow better than anyone else. Just over the minimum age of 14, I ask, as a young master of a large family, how can it be possible to take the assessment after he has passed the age? The only explanation is that his heart is not as simple and cute as it seems on the surface. Combining the above two points, it is easy to guess the root cause.

    After his explanation, Si Yunan and Han Mengli finally relaxed. At first they thought he would have some demon method.


    "Isn't that the King of War?"

    "And Zhongyonghou..."

    "Why did they come here?"

    "Are they the judges sent by the royal family to the college to assist in the assessment this year?"

    "Ah... they are so handsome , Especially the prince, he looks so handsome!"

    "Yes, yes, he looks safe too!"

    "I'm going to faint... the prince..."

    "the prince ..."

    Si Yunan’s words were instantly overwhelmed by the screams of the nymphomaniacs. Following their gazes, Feng Xing Tian in a gold silk robe and Xi Changfeng in black attire were seated on the judges’ bench. The former had a face. With a flawless smile, the latter put his hands on his chest, and his brows were full of pride and righteousness.

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