Chapter 169 Rescue the Evil Phase

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    At the same time, the second blast was also a signal for a siege. Xi Changfeng, Wei Chi Haoran, and others, who led people to ambush outside the four gates of the south, east, and northwest, sent out almost simultaneously. The order to siege the city, hundreds of thousands of soldiers rushed to the city gate in an instant, and the deafening roar resounded through the sky.

    "Oops, someone rebelled..."

    "Quick, quick, close the city gate, and send someone to inform the emperor..."

    "Quick, act quickly..."

    The soldiers guarding the city were in chaos in an instant. There is no example of a rebellion to force the palace, but it is the first time that a rebellion like this is a good sign. Most of the officers and soldiers behind the tower are soft-footed shrimp who have never been on the battlefield. Such a ferocious attack suddenly hit, the only thing they can think of. It's just closing the door and reporting, and never thought of fighting back.

    "Brothers, go in in one go!" In the

    direction of the east gate, Xi Changfeng, wearing armor and riding on a tall horse, holding a sword of absolute wind, roared domineeringly and fiercely, and the soldiers behind him immediately followed him. Like chicken blood, he frantically rushed to the city gate that was not completely closed.



    In just an instant, the city gate was breached, and the two sides fought together. The soldiers who defended the city were cut and played like watermelons in front of these soldiers who had undergone rigorous training for many years. , The blood-stained city gate, the corpses piled up like mountains, looking at this terrifying picture, the remaining soldiers who defended the city had no fighting spirit, and they abandoned their weapons and fled.

    But after a cup of tea, Xi Changfeng easily took down the east gate. After leaving a thousand people to clean up the battlefield, Xi Changfeng took the remaining 9,000 people straight to the palace gate. Feng Feiyang and Yuchi Haoran were also fierce, and they broke through the city gate with almost no effort.

    Such a sensational siege, coupled with the two blasts at the beginning, the people of the imperial city can't even think about it, but who would dare to check it out? It's not that I don't want to live anymore, who the hell knows if those people will kill people indiscriminately.

    Of course, the powerhouses of several major families would not be so afraid. Where the soldiers passed, several groups of people stepped on the sword and the fat boy in the air. Courtiers, the change of imperial power also means that the power of these families in the imperial city will also be reshuffled. If it is the first emperor, or any emperor, they will help the royal family, but... This term of the emperor has disappointed them too much. It’s not a matter of suppressing the civil and military officials everywhere in the hall, and even the families of the imperial city are not spared. Which of these families is not the leader of the evil family? Not only because Xie Aotian is the prime minister, but not because Xie Aotian is the largest family, but because Xie Aotian is admirable. Although he is the prime minister, he is usually indifferent, but he never oppresses them and treats the people. He is also very serious. Just such a prime minister who serves the country and the people will end up with a beheading for no reason. He has also caused the death of all the three clans in the family.

    "Zhan... Princess Zhan, I'm just here to stay here, please raise your hand and forgive me?"

    At the entrance of the Tianjing prison, the head of the prison who was left alone begged with a sad face, "Damn, his subordinates have long been He ran away without a trace, leaving him alone to face this evil spirit, woohoo... After this incident, he will definitely resign, and he will no longer be the head of the prison.

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