Chapter 5 Beautiful Duanmu, Vicious Wind Emperor

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The majestic imperial palace stands quietly on the south side of the imperial city. The patrolling soldiers wear armours and are extraordinary. The lights of the Ming xuan Hall in the depths of the palace are shining. Eight tall soldiers hold swords or carry long bows on their backs, like carvings. The guard is outside the door without squinting.

    "Fu Huang, we are not the wrong horse? Battle royal has no movement, the prime minister the government also calm, it is said not long ago wind punishment was still into a new house, you said he would not count on the meter, use evil knows no boundaries to win over evil with?"

    Is In the imperial study room, the bright pearl of the night, dressed in blue brocade robe, wearing a golden crown, handsome-looking tall man with anxious face, in the main seat, the Emperor Feng Huang of the Zilling Dynasty sits on it majestically. Sitting on the right side was a man in white who looked ethereal and ethereal.

    "Shut up, give me patience, so frizzy, how can I rule the world in the future?" The forty-something-year-old Feng Huang is very well maintained. He looks only in his thirties and is still handsome, but I don't know why. There was a trace of fatigue and impatience between his eyebrows, and his wide-open eyes were filled with obvious anger.

    "I...Yes, Father!"

    Knowing that he was angering his father again, the prince Feng Xingyu lowered his head unwillingly, and his eyes were full of cruelty. The hands hanging beside him were clenched into fists. He will never give up!

    "The emperor calms down his anger, the prince is still young, and the emperor has just entered the age of confidence, and there is still time to slowly teach the prince, why rush for a while?"

    The ethereal man sitting aside slowly put down his teacup and inserted them into their conversation in a timely manner. A few simple words, seemingly ordinary, in fact kill two birds with one stone, not only appeased Feng Huang, but also sold his personal affection to the prince.

    "Hey... Li'er, you are still calm enough. If you have half of the childcare, I will be satisfied."

    Feng Huang glared at Prince Feng xingyu. When he turned to duanmuli , his eyebrows were dyed with rare kindness and kindness.

    "The emperor has won the award. It is nothing to do with me. If I am in the position of prince, I am afraid that I will not be as good as half of him."

    Duanmuli arched his hands in a polite manner, neither deliberately ingratiating nor guilty, and never losing to Feng Xingtian's stunning face always with a light smile.

    "You, everything is fine, just too modest , Li'er, what do you think about Xingtian ?" Fenghuang just likes his temperament, so he trusts him very much, and the topic changed, and he turned to business. He was also struggling with Feng Xingtian's affairs. He originally thought that with Feng Xingtian's arrogance, it should be impossible to accept this marriage. He was secretly happy when he saw him let his servant hold a rooster and worship Xie Wuya. After a while, thinking that even if he reluctantly married Xie Wuya, he would have retired immediately after entering the bridal chamber and discovering his true sex, but he didn't want to... he was also a little bit unsure of what Feng Xingtian was thinking.

    "With all due respect, the emperor, I think I have seen a lot of people in my life and have a very thorough understanding of human nature, but the King of War is the only man I can't see clearly. His body seems to be covered anytime, anywhere. Mist, this wedding is also, I personally conveyed the imperial decree, until he married Xie Wuya, I did not see what he meant."  

   Duanmuli said lightly, but Fenghuang and the prince knew that. His heart should be heavier than them. For him, who is known as the world's most intelligent man, he can't see the other party's person and guess the other party's next move. This is absolutely a fatal blow. 

    "Then what should we do next? We can't just watch him win over the evil, right?"

    A long time later, Prince Feng Xingyu asked cautiously. Don't rest assured.  

   "Shut up, the evil face is the prime minister of my Ziling country, not the prime minister of the war palace. Prince you let me remember this firmly. It's late at night, you can withdraw."  

    See him mentioning it over and over again. Evil, Feng Huang yelled at him unhappily. If it hadn't been for his two sons to be raised by Feng Xing Tian Feng Xing, he would have abolished him long ago with Feng Xing's stupidity.  

   "Father..."     "Get down!"

Feng Xingyu was dissatisfied, but was reprimanded by the Emperor Feng again. He had to bow his hands and leave the Ming xuan Palace. His hatred for Feng Xing tian deepened by three points. If it weren't for him, how would his father treat him like this?

    "Li 'er, do you think childcare can support Zi ling Kingdom in a hundred years from now?"

   After watching the prince leave, Feng Huang asked tiredly, how unfair God is to him, giving him the supreme status, but He only gave birth to two sons, one was the reincarnation of the evildoer, and the other was a fool. How would he face his ancestors and ancestors a hundred years later?

    "If the emperor wants to listen to the truth, the prince is born with dull aptitude and average spiritual talent, and he may not be able to provoke a leader in the future. On the contrary, he is the king of war, shrewd and wise, countless, and he has won the support of courtiers and people..."

    "Don't say it. Now, you should withdraw too.”

    Fenghuang usually likes Duanmuli to tell the truth the most, but at this time he did not give him a chance to finish speaking. He rested on the armrest of the dragon chair with one hand and stroked his head, impatient. In these years, he has almost never stopped abolishing the prince to change the memorial of the king of war. He is tired of hearing it. He knows better than anyone that Fengxingtian is definitely more suitable for ruling the country than Fengxing Education, but..." Li retreat!"

     A glance at him, Duan Muli stood up and bowed lightly, and when he turned around, an imperceptible mockery slipped through his eyes. The speed was so fast that he returned to his usual elegant and ethereal appearance in the next second.  

      Until they all left, Fenghuang slowly sat upright, with no signs of fatigue and impatience between his eyebrows, a pair of deep black pupils exuding a strong hostility, his hands tightly grasped the armrest of the dragon chair, and his thin lips Squeeze tightly into a straight line.   

  "Concubine Ling, are you satisfied now? Your son is no longer the fragile baby he used to be. His existence is enough to overturn the entire Ziling dynasty. If he wants to, he can launch a mutiny at any time and replace me! I absolutely I won't let him get what I want, one day, I will kill him personally!"    

     The vows of vicious death slowly echoed in the empty royal study room, and the eunuchs and maids who served on the side shrank their shoulders and bowed their heads silently. The dark side hidden by the emperor appeared, and someone else was about to suffer.

   "Come on, go to Zhanwangfu tomorrow morning to send a message, let Zhanwang take the princess to the palace to please the queen mother!"


    After a while, Fenghuang stood up and walked towards the inner hall. The chief eunuch led the young eunuchs respectfully to follow. When I went up, there was a vaguely verbal message from the Emperor Feng. The verbal message that hadn't called the King of War into the palace for three years was weird in every way, but no one dared to question it. It's not that these eunuchs can question and discuss casually, but it's a pity that the King of War will suffer again.

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