Chapter 57 There is no bounds, what is the use of Jiangshan?

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One night is enough for a lot of things to happen, just like the waterfall Bitan on the outskirts of the Demon Mountains. In just one night, there are a lot of people here, scattered repairers passing by, mercenary groups, student mentors of Tianyu Academy, as well as the deity of evil, the war king,  Marquis of Zhongyong, Prince Taifu, ministers in the court, it is said that the emperor is also on his way, of course, this is not the most surprising, the most surprising is that there are thousands of them, wearing black black iron armor  , A soldier with a black mask and a sword or a bow and arrow on his back, anyone with a little knowledge knows that this is the iron-clad knights of the King of War Feng Xingtian.

It is said that they are in no position to be disadvantaged. Wherever they go, there is a lot of sorrow, and no grass grows. Since the King of War no longer on the battlefield, they have been disbanded under the order of the Emperor Feng. They did not expect to gather here today. No wonder the important officials of the court and the Emperor Feng himself will come  .

"Give this king stubborn tan!"

Feng Xingtian, who was always standing on the edge of Bitan with both hands on his back, commanded indifferently, completely ignoring the evil spirits and Duanmu Li beside him.


As the leader of the armored knight stall, Feng Feiyang drew his sword and led the knights to Bitan.


Thousands of people gathered energy at the same time. The scene was as spectacular as it was magnificent. Even the splashing waterfalls stopped because of the condensation of energy, as if they were frozen, which is indescribably strange.

Feng Feiyang raised the long sword in his hand, and the transparent strength lingered around the sword body. As long as they cut down, let alone a small Bitan, the whole mountain would be cut in half.


Thin lips squirmed, coldly spit out a word, everyone trembled and avoided one after another, that was the Iron Armored Knights, not a third-rate army.


Just when Feng Feiyang was about to lead the knights down, Feng Huang's angry voice stopped him. Looking in the direction of the sound, Feng Huang swept away his usual grace, and was facing them with a black face and angrily.  rush over.

"Feng Xingtian, you are so brave, you dare to assemble the Iron Armored Knights privately, and you have to dig Bitan, do you want to rebel?  If they are destroyed, the turbulent water will drown them in an instant, for this princess, are you going to let thousands of people be buried with you?"

When he saw Feng Xingtian with a long body and a jade stand, even if he had heard it before, Feng Huang couldn't help but startled, and then roared rudely, as an emperor alone, he is undoubtedly qualified, and he never forgets to show off anytime, anywhere.  , Fake benevolence and hypocritical love put the people first, but in fact, he pointed the finger at Feng Xingtian, trying to destroy his prestige among the people in one fell swoop.

The bewitching golden and silver pupils exuded ice peaks that froze to death, Feng Xingtian slowly met his furious gaze, his thin lips parted lightly, and said indifferently: "There is no limit, what is the use of the country? What does the life and death of the common people have to do with me?  ?"

Two very gentle rhetorical questions, but revealed Feng Xingtian's slow affection for Xie Wuya, and also indirectly told Feng Huang that I would endure you before, but now, it is absolutely impossible!


Feng Huang was so choked that he couldn't speak, and his wide eyes seemed to fall out. All along, he thought he was controlling him very well. He didn't kill him just because of the queen mother's face, and he didn't find him.  Good excuse, at this moment he realized that all this was in his calculations, not that he didn't kill him, but that he didn't give him a chance to kill him at all.

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