Chapter 109 The Prophecy of Tian Yu's Guardianship

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    "Answer me one last question, your mother... how are you now?"

    After a long time, Xiao Jingchen raised his head, his deep eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and the bottom of his eyes swayed with the firmness of Chi Guoguo. Even if he wants to let go, he has to make sure that the other party is okay.

    "I don't know, my mother didn't tell me too much about Tianhong Continent, and she didn't even tell me their identities, but since I can still accept her soul inheritance, it proves that she must still be alive, for the sake of To determine whether she is well, I will stand on the top of this world in the shortest possible time, and go to Tianhong Continent with the strongest attitude."

    At this time, it may be better to deceive, but Xie Wuya clearly knows, What Xiao Jingchen wants is not deception.

    "Well, as expected of Wuyan's son, Xiao Wuya, I am very happy and relieved that you have such a realization. Tianhong Continent is a place where people cannibalize people, and there is blood and killing everywhere. If you really decide to If you want to go, be my apprentice, I will try my best to help you."

    Xiao Jingchen nodded with satisfaction, his honesty made his impression of him a lot better again, there are many planes in this world. What secrets, all the big families know more or less, and as the dean of Tianyu Academy, he knows far more than others, but now is not the best time to tell the whole story.

    "Uncle Chen also knows about Tianhong Continent?" I

    have to say, Xie Wuya was surprised. He thought he was the only one, Xing Tian and Daddy knew about it. It seems that the background of Tianyu Academy is far from being as shallow as outsiders.

    "Well, I know a little bit. Tianyu Academy has been guarding a prophecy since the beginning of its establishment [strange things start, monsters appear, turbulent chaos, the world moves, and respect comes] No one knows what this prophecy represents, the only thing that can be What is certain is that the prophecy is related to the Tianhong Continent. You probably don’t know it yet. For thousands of years, there has only been one supreme-level cultivator in the Canglan Continent. With his super spiritual talent, he has conquered the entire Canglan Continent. Once, he was the only king in this world, but I don't know why, he who had already surpassed the cycle of life and death suddenly disappeared thousands of years ago, and the era of division of heroes came again, and the great empires of the Canglan Continent were formed at that time. , Tianyu Academy is also the same. The Xiao family has been the successor of Tianyu Academy for generations, but no one knows who established the Academy. We only know that one day the Supreme will come to the Canglan Continent. At that time, even if it is with the world As an enemy, Tianyu Academy should also be the most loyal servant to assist the Supreme. Over the years, every time the Academy recruits students, the tutors will pay attention to those students with strong talents, in order to find the possible Supreme as soon as possible, this time you summoned The matter of the strange purple summoning book was reported to me at the first time, and since then I have been paying attention to you secretly, knowing that you yourself said that the purple summoning book is the legendary holy diamond summoning book, we think, you are very likely It is the reincarnation or successor of the Supreme Being."     Looking at his eyes, Xiao Jingchen swept away the previous infatuation, and said calmly and wisely, the momentum belonging to the dean of Tianhong College returned to him again, privately speaking, he hoped Xie Wuya is the person that Tianyu Academy is waiting for and must protect, then he can take care of him justifiably, but unfortunately, the prophecy seems to only confirm the first two sentences, strange things, he is a big man married to another A man who suddenly shines during the assessment, should be regarded as a strange thing that shocked the world. The evildoer is now, not to mention this, since he entered Tianyu Academy, everything he did was unacceptable. Don't call him a perverted monster, as for the chaos behind, the world is moving, and the respect is coming, these three sentences have not been effectively confirmed, and he is waiting with bated breath.

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