Chapter 105 Goodbye language attacks, hands-on!

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    The Tianyuan War is held every three years. All academies in the entire Canglan area can send teams to participate. Each student cannot have more than three teams, and each team must be no less than three and no more than nine. The winner is based on group theory. , the referee is the president or heavyweight elder of each country's various guilds. It is a relatively fair and open competition. Many unknown newcomers are on this stage.

    Every time the Tianyuan war, Tianyu Academy sent elders and disciples or students from the inner courtyard to form the strongest lineup to participate, and the results were mostly satisfactory. The team will go to the Imperial City General Academy for a large-scale selection. The rules are compared to the Tianyuan competition. The winning team or the outstanding individual can represent Tianyu Academy to participate in the Tianyuan competition to be held in Qinghong Kingdom next spring.

    When Xie Wuya and Lan Ting came out of the space, they saw that the courtyard was full of people. They couldn't help but have some doubts in their eyes. They had only been in retreat for more than two months. When did the academy recruit so many newcomers?

    "Wuya, you guys are back? Damn, the entire academy is going to be crowded. Now the student dormitory is seriously insufficient, and we are all sharing a bed..."

    A student from outside the academy saw them with sharp eyes, and was busy cursing. He ran over, Xie Wuya frowned almost imperceptibly, and took two steps back before interrupting him calmly.

    "What the hell is going on? Why are there so many people suddenly?"

    "Huh? Oh, it's not just the Tianyuan Competition. Those people are the powerhouses of the various city branches of Tianyu Academy, all to compete for the right to compete."

    The student was stunned for a while, then pointed to the crowd in front of him and said helplessly, the number of places was limited originally, and I wanted to say that there are some perverts in Xie Wuya, and this time the outer courtyard can be seen again. Their outer courtyard can only be suppressed forever?

    Hearing this, a small smile climbed up the corners of his mouth, looking at the confident students, a trace of mischief and anticipation flashed across his eyes, that's how it was supposed to be fun! Fortunately, he came out, otherwise wouldn't it be missed? Enough to have a good time this time.

    "That's it, come on, we also have a chance, I still have something to do, let's take a step first."

    Holding Lan Ting with one hand and patting the other's shoulder with the other, Xie Wuya stepped over him. Shaoyang was besieged, and the fact that someone in the outer court had seen it but no one stepped forward to help made him a little disgusted with the students in the outer court. Except for Si Yunan and others, it had nothing to do with him whether they won or lost.

    "Ah? Oh!" The

    student foolishly looked at the two people who were gradually disappearing from the crowd. He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. Could he understand Wu Ya's meaning as that he would definitely win the right to go out on behalf of the Outer Court?

    "Brother Wuya, do you need to call Henan and the others out?"

    Lan Ting asked in a low voice after the two had walked a long distance. They must have won the right to participate in the competition. First cultivate and familiarize yourself with the rules?

    "Haha... don't worry, let them stay inside."

    With a slight smile, Xie Wuya held the back of his head with both hands, Xie Mei said with interest, showing his trump card so early is not his character, he has a very Bad habits are either not done, or they will shock the audience. Think about it, if those so-called talented students on the day of the game found out that they were all senior or junior, how awesome it would be! Hehe... "Brother Wu Ya, shouldn't you be... Ouch!"

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