chapter 1 Wedding

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    Early in the morning, the Ziling imperial city was full of firecrackers, and the streets leading to the prime minister and war palace were crowded with people. Ten miles of red makeup and mighty lined up in a long line is not important today. Day is the wedding of Xie Wuya, the only daughter of the prime minister's residence, and Feng Xingtian, the king of war.

    The Prime Minister of Ziling Kingdom is arrogant, powerful, king-level summoner, and the evil family is one of the most powerful and ancient families in the Ziling Dynasty. Its influence is close to the royal family. She was a waste material, and was the only daughter of the Evil Prime Minister. He should have enjoyed all the favors, but... In this world where the summoner is the master, the swordsman and the archer are side by side, you don’t have the talent for practice, you are the prince of the court. People will also be despised, not to mention the prime minister’s daughter, not only outsiders, even people in the evil family are very unwilling to see this beautiful and pure-blooded woman. She is married, and almost everyone in the family has firecrackers. Shame will finally become someone else's home.

    "Father, is this really okay? Once Wuya's gender is discovered, the royal guilt down, we can't afford it."

    Standing at the door of the coercion, watching the sedan chair walking away, the eldest brother of Xie Wuya. Xie Wuqing asked worriedly. Outsiders only knew that the Xie family had the only daughter, but they didn’t know that this daughter was not a true woman, but a man. In order to compete for the position of the head of the family, Xie Wuya’s father lied. His gender, so many years later, Xie Wuya in the eyes of outsiders is like a woman, no one would have thought that she was actually him, a real man.

    "Do you think the emperor doesn't know?" A squinted glance at the eldest son, the Xie Prime Minister turned and strode away with both hands on his back. Looking at his back, Xie Wuqing's eyes widened. In other words, the emperor knew Wuya was a man. Then why did he marry Wuya to the King of War? In it... Xie Wuqing shook his head in a hurry, and didn't dare to continue thinking. If the emperor did it deliberately, then the meaning of it would not be what he could imagine casually. If it is not done well, the whole evil family will join in.

    Feng Xingtian, the king of war, is also known as the Candid King. However, at the age of 20, he was known throughout the Canglan Continent several years ago. It is said that Feng Xingtian was born with gold and silver pupils. When he was born, Yunxia was red. Half the sky, the national teacher predicted that this son is a evildoer. If you don’t kill it, it will overthrow the royal family. At that time, Fenghuang wanted to kill him. Fortunately, Feng Xingtian’s mother Ling Fei saved his life with her own life. Later, He was thrown into the cold palace by the Emperor Feng. Thirteen years later, the great empires of the Canglan Continent were on fire, and the Ziling dynasty was on the verge of collapse. Feng Xingtian, who was only thirteen years old, invited himself to the battlefield. Formidable strength, domineering swept across the entire Canglan continent, pushing the Ziling dynasty to another prosperous age.

    Afterwards, Feng Xingtian was named the King of War and finally moved out of Lenggong. For the people of the entire Ziling Dynasty, Feng Xingtian was an indestructible patron saint, but his mighty power only did not win the emperor’s attention. Seeing his Emperor Feng and the half-prince Feng Xing Yu were embarrassed by the stabbing. Three years ago, Feng Xingtian accidentally injured his legs when he was out. After confirming that he was disabled, the Emperor Feng and the prince became a little quieter. No longer targeting him everywhere, but today's wedding makes people can't help but doubt that Feng Huang really put down his guard against him?

    "Have you heard? The reason why the emperor pointed out the waste materials of the evil family to the King of War is actually to leave a way for the King of War. With the shelter of the evil prime minister, even if the prince becomes the emperor in the future, he dare not move the King of War casually. "

    You're bullshit, I heard that the emperor was uneasy and kind. Otherwise, why didn't so many high-ranking concubines point out, but pointed to the warlord of rubbish?"

    "That's right, we are flat-headed about royal affairs. The people can’t understand it, but the war king is so powerful and protected us, how could it be a evil evildoer?”

    "Ah...Poor war king hero I, he wants to marry a wasteful wife. God is so terrible to him. It's not fair."

    " keep your head down. If you hear this, you will beheaded."

    "What are you afraid of? The emperor has been unfair to the king. Are you afraid of us talking?"


    On both sides of the road, people There is a lot of discussion, and all the speeches are basically biased towards Feng Xing Tian. As the saying goes, the people who win the hearts of the people win the world. It seems that Feng Huang taboo Feng Xing Tian is not unreasonable. But whoever is king, who would expect to see this kind of scene where the people fall to others side by side? Even if that person is his son, he will never allow it.

    "Damn, what's going on?"

    No one noticed, the purple light of the red sedan chair flashed, and Xie Wuya, who hadn't moved inside the sedan chair, pulled off his hijab. He frowned, and before he could react to what the situation was, a series of memories that didn't belong to him burrowed into his mind.

    "I will give you my life. Please live for me. Don't trust anyone in the wicked family. If you can, please help me find my mother and tell her that I miss her very much..." A hoarse voice sounded in my mind. Xie Wuya raised his head and frowned and asked: "Who are you?"


    "The bride is here..."

Before he could get an answer, there were dense firecrackers and cheers outside, and the car curtain was lifted. Open, two fat hands painted with red Kodan dragged him from left to right, dragging him out.

    Along the way, Xie Wuya did not struggle, and seemed to follow the two matchmakers softly. In fact, he was quietly sorting out the pictures in his mind. When he successfully received the memory of this body, he understood why his big masters Xie Wuya's teeth were grinded and rattled when she married someone wearing a phoenix crown and Xia, who dare to design his grand masters to marry a disabled king... He will not bark if they succeed. Evil boundless!

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