Chapter 183 Fire Phoenix Chiyan, Qilin Shaoli

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    The barren space, thanks to the presence of Xie Wuya and others, has gradually become more alive. In addition, they are young people full of vitality, and the space is spiritual. Under the influence of their vitality, the space is becoming more and more lively. Vigorous, standing in this green space full of infinite possibilities, the water unicorn is holding its hands behind its back, looking up at the sky with a solemn expression. In its mind, everything that has happened flashes like a phantom light. The phoenix family, the phoenix feather Landlord, God of War Scarlet Flame, Qilin Wonderland, Father Emperor, and...I was once the young master of the Qilin clan, the sky was covered in flames, the sky was red with flames, the snow-white land was frozen for thousands of miles, and in the distant mountains, the powerful The dragon clan stands among them...

    The amber eyes are lightly closed, the hands clasped behind the back are clenched into fists, the sexy thin lips are tightly pursed into a line, and the dignified affection is instantly mixed with countless The anger and sadness, Chi Yan, why? Why did the Phoenix clan turn against each other, and why did you betray me? Why?


    About a hundred meters behind him, a tall, burly, masculine and handsome man dressed in red gauze looked at him with deep eyes, deep in his eyes, there was a deep and indelible heartache hidden in it , even across such a long distance, he can clearly feel his anger and sadness, the hurt that that incident brought to him will never disappear, right? What should he do to make him forget everything and return to the cheerful and handsome man who was proud but not arrogant?

    "I'm sorry, Shaoli, there are some things I can't help myself..."

    The deep pain was mixed with the low voice, Huohuang Chiyan, he possessed a powerful combat power that could turn the world upside down, but he couldn't make his most important friend smile , so what is the use of powerful abilities?

    Whether it is a human being or their so-called gods, they are burdened with their responsibilities and obligations from birth, and no one can stay out of it. He is the God of War of the Phoenix Clan and a member of the royal family. He is born with the responsibility to make the Phoenix Clan prosperous. Sheng's responsibility, when the battle started, he had expected that he and Shao Li would never be able to return to the past, but... his hands were clenched tightly, and the sharp nails dug deep into the flesh, looking at Shao Li The eyes of the back view are full of reluctance, he is not reconciled, Shao Li has been his only closest friend for thousands of years in the sky, he is not reconciled to losing him like this.

    "Chi Yan, long time no see."

    At some point, Shao Li turned around, his amber eyes stared at him from a distance of a hundred meters, the eyes that should be full of hatred were completely clear, even a little There are no ripples, making it difficult to see anything from his expression.

    "Shao Li, you..."

    He raised his head to lock on the handsome face that had been separated for tens of thousands of years, his sexy lips squirmed for a while, but he didn't say anything, Shao Li...don't hate him anymore? No, it's not that I don't hate, but that after so many years, he has changed. He is no longer the prince of the Qilin clan who can be easily aroused by others. He hides all the hatred and anger in the deepest part of his heart. One day Well, once that hatred erupts, it will be absolutely unimaginable earth-shaking, and it may destroy the world.

    Thoroughly understanding this, Chi Yan's tall body couldn't help trembling, his red eyes, which were as red as his clothes, were filled with pain and heartache, what should he do to dissolve the hatred in his heart?     "It's been tens of thousands of years since the battle that was enough to destroy the entire God Realm? In the past tens of thousands of years, I have woken up from my deep sleep countless times, and each time I was bored imagining what would happen when we met again. That is, I’m afraid I’ll rush straight up and kill you, right? Now I know that I’m much calmer than I imagined. Chi Yan, as my best friend, you should be very happy to see my growth, right? Hehe..."     It's not that he didn't see the pain and distress in his eyes, a trace of sarcasm quickly slipped through the amber bright eyes, and his thin lips curled slightly, Shao Li approached him step by step with graceful steps, one step away from him When he stopped, a gorgeous smile appeared on his handsome and flawless face, but they both knew that his smile didn't reach his eyes at all.     "Don't leave like this, I..."     Me what? Chi Yan found out that he couldn't continue talking. It was a fact that the Qilin clan was seriously injured by the defection of the Phoenix clan, and it was also a fact that he seriously injured Shao Li. It seemed that he had no position to speak at all.

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