Chapter 12-Meeting the Queen Mother

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   Most of the emperors of the Ziling Kingdom lived in Mingxuan Hall, and the Queen lived in Chaoyang Hall. The two palaces were closely adjacent to each other, followed by the Holy Ceremony Hall where the Queen Mother lived, and the palaces and pavilions of the concubines. Hovering, magnificent and magnificent, due to Feng Xingtian's disabled legs, they had to rely on Ben Lei to travel. The two directly rode Ben Lei into the Empress Dowager’s Sacred Hall. After the maid of the Sacred Hall informed them, the two were confused. Walked in squintingly.

    "Hehe... Tian'er is here, quickly, to Tian'er and... What's the matter? How does the princess wear men's clothes?"

    Seeing the two of them came in, the queen mother greeted the court ladies and eunuchs, but she saw Xie Wuya dressed in men's clothes. His eyes widened, and the delicate Liu Ye's eyebrows wrinkled tightly, his eyes slid involuntarily to his protruding Adam's apple and flat chest..."This..."

    The queen on the side also hesitated. How did Xie Wuya become a man?

    "The emperor is here!"

    Just as everyone was shocked by the Queen Mother's shock and bewildered by the stall, the eunuch's unique squeaky voice suddenly sounded, Xie Wuya screamed, thinking that he had just engaged the prince not long ago. He couldn't help but start to get hairy, Nima didn't want to be beheaded by the so-called emperor the next day he traveled.

    "Don't be afraid, the king is here."

    It seems that he was panicking. Feng Xingtian stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He flew to the side with his arm around him and sat down on the chair, even kneeling to welcome the emperor. No, except for the Queen Mother, everyone else knelt down.

    "Hurrah for the emperor!"

    " Hurrah for the emperor!"

    A golden dragon robe symbolizing the emperor's majesty, and a crown inlaid with countless jewels on his head, the Emperor Feng led a large group of eunuchs and palace ladies, and walked in with great might , After passing by Feng Xing Tian and Xie Wuya, he paused almost impossible to find out, and then took a big step to leave. Xie Wuya felt that he would stop breathing. Damn, that was the emperor who had the power to live and kill. what.

    "Queen, please get up, flat!"

    The Emperor Feng went directly up to help the queen, and while sitting down, he did not forget to raise his hand to let the others get up. That unique monarch's majesty made people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

    "Your Majesty!"

    Everyone bowed their heads and stood up and retreated. Fenghuanglong's eyes swept away, and their eyes were precisely locked on Feng Xingtian and Xie Wuya. I don't know if it was his illusion. Xie Wuya always felt that he When I saw myself, there was a flash of nostalgia and blur in my eyes. The speed was so fast that there was almost no chance to confirm him.

    In fact, it was not just him, Feng Xingtian was also aware of it. Combining the information in his hand, there was disdain in his heart, but there was no expression on his face. The corners of his mouth still had that kind of mocking smile, Fenghuang did not When he speaks, he will never take the initiative to speak to him.

    "Is the mother and queen doing well these days?" After taking back the eyes of the husband and wife, forcibly suppressing the uncomfortable heart, the Emperor Feng smiled and looked at the queen mother who was sitting next to him.

    "Okay? The emperor, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will swear not to give up." The  queen mother had a cold face, her tone of voice was various.

    "Oh? I don't know what the queen mother wants me to explain to you?" Fenghuang pretended to be surprised and raised his eyebrows, probably already guessing why the queen mother was angry.

    "What's the explanation? The emperor, Princess Zhan is a man at first sight, how can you point a man to be the princess of Tian'er? The Aijia does not recognize this marriage, you immediately abolish the Princess Zhan and give it to Tian'er. Refers to a wealthy daughter.”

    In the entire palace, the queen mother can be said to be the only person who feels distressed about Feng Xingtian and regards him as a grandson. She was extremely upset that the emperor pointed the rubbish to Feng Xingtian, but now she is extremely dissatisfied.     Hearing that, Feng Xing Tian, ​​who has always had nothing to do with him, frowned almost unchecked. By holding up the gap of the teacup, his mind quickly moved. It is rare that such an interesting princess came and said nothing would let the royal grandma. I lost it for him.

    Xie Wuya, who is also one of the parties involved, has an indifferent mentality. It is a pity to lose a beautiful woman. If he can gain freedom, it’s not bad to run the ancients freely. Besides, as long as Feng Xing Tian is willing , In a short time, they can continue to be friends, relax, why not do it?

    The others headed by the queen looked silently and lowered their heads. The dispute between the queen dowager and the emperor was not something they could insert casually.

    "Mother, please forgive me for unfilial piety. The marriage between King Warlord and Xie Wuya was personally referred to by me. Everyone knows that even if Xie Wuya is a man, I cannot go back and change the order. I also ask the queen to understand my sufferings."

    Worthy of being an emperor. With such a heavy hat off, the queen mother can’t refute it for a while. You have no joking. If the emperor really abolishes the king of war on the second day of his wedding, how will he convince the public in the future? ? The queen mother is Feng Xingtian's grandmother, but she is also the queen mother of Ziling Kingdom, so she can't help but hesitate.

    "Then you can't really let a man be Tian'er's princess, right? The Aijia doesn't care, you have to do this for Aijia anyway." There was a long
silence, and the queen mother looked at Feng Xingtian distressedly, gritted her teeth and played. There is a rogue, since ancient times there has been no precedent for a man to be a concubine. How can she let her most beloved grandson marry a man? The most important thing is that men can't have children, and she can't stand by and watch the Queen of Heaven!

    "Mother, I really can't do anything about this matter. Don't forget, Xie Wuya is the only bloodline of the evil element and Feng Wuyan. With the current status of the evil family, I don't care about my own majesty, but I must also take care of the evil family. There may be a reaction.”

    Feng Huang had already thought of what the queen mother could think of. This is why he knew that Xie Wuya was a man and even pointed out Feng Xingtian's post-recruitment, even if he did not resist the decree, he married Xie as promised. Infinite, without offending evil, he will also cut off offspring because of this, and one less powerful factor that threatens him.

    "Hmph, the evil person lied to Xie Wuya's sex, it would be good if the Ai
  family not cure his crime of deceiving the king, can he still dare to rebel?" He gave a cold snort, the queen mother's mouth sneered, she was afraid of the royal family An evil family?

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