Chapter 142 The cruel truth

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    In the imperial palace, the Ming Xuan Hall is still so majestic and outstanding. The tall palace wall symbolizes his supreme power, and the huge splendor shows his absolute sublime. This is the hub of politics and power. The center point. In the past, people came and went here in an endless stream during the day, but today it seems extremely deserted. Except for the mighty soldiers with long swords at the door, a few hours have passed, and almost no one is there.

    But it is normal to think about it. The royal family has such a big scandal, and it has always been good at meeting the high and stepping on the low. How can the flattering ministers enter the palace to face the saint at such a time? This is a scandal involving the life and death of the royal family and the evil family. It is too late for everyone to hide. Who would take the initiative to intervene?

    "You bastard, Duanmu Li, there are so many women in the world, why do you have to move a child-raising woman? Where do you put the royal face? You still have the emperor, and the existence of Ziling Kingdom in your eyes? In the

    main hall, Fenghuang has scolded these words countless times, but Duanmu Li, who was kneeling below, has not said a word since the incident, so angry that he couldn't help but want to demolish the entire palace and stand aside. The prince Feng Xingyu is even more black-faced. Now he is wearing a cuckold, and he is the most frustrated and depressed. He can't understand it. There was a scandal, and the emperor hadn't dealt with him yet.

    "If Your Majesty is as superficial as the outsiders, and only sees things on the surface, then there is nothing to say, and please ask Your Majesty to give me death."

    Finally, Duanmu Li spoke, his voice was as cold as ever, and there was no trace of it. The panic about to be dealt with was so calm that people couldn't help but wonder, is he still a person? If yes, why can it be so calm?

    "You... Duanmu Li, do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

    After a brief stunned moment, Fenghuang stood up abruptly and pointed at him angrily. Damn Duanmuli, don't think he is his emperor. Brother, he didn't dare to kill him. This time he did too much. If he didn't give the world an explanation, what face would the royal family have to rule the whole country? What face is standing in the Canglan Continent?

    "Of course Your Majesty dares, but Your Majesty, you won't kill me, kill me, who will help you deal with the evil family? Who will stabilize the country for you?"

    There was a slight smile on his lips, and Duanmu stood up from his own path. He simply pointed it out to him. With his shrewdness, he had already seen it. The reason why the scandal would spread, and the reason why he said that he has not been punished yet, was actually all due to his shrewdness. It was deliberately arranged by Fenghuang. Thinking about it carefully, he was disappointed that day because of Feng Xingtian's return, and his plans for Xie Wuya fell through. Help, how could he be easily recruited? As for who the person hiding in the shadows is, God knows it, and he also knows it, there is no need to make it too clear before everyone tears their faces.


    Fenghuang choked up instantly, his eyes staring at him fiercely, it was full of complexities, as expected of Duanmu Li, nothing could be hidden from his eyes, but what if he knew? He did everything he didn't do, and this time, he must take this opportunity to get rid of the evil family's confidant.

    "Bold, Duanmu Li, how dare you talk to your father like this? Who gave you such a bold son?"

    Feng Xingyu, who had long wanted to kill him alive, seized the opportunity and rushed in front of him angrily, although he did not Love Evil Pearl, but this is a matter of man's dignity, and he will never let go of the adulterer and prostitute who have humiliated him.

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