Chapter 26 Summoner Registration

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 "Hey...Master, they just took a bath, it's very clean!"

    Xiao Honglong crawled back without any mercy, and said proudly on his shoulder.

    "Labor-management control you are not clean, please be quiet, we should register."

    Rolling his eyes weakly, Xie Wuya and Si Yunan and his party walked forward at the same time.

    "Well, listen to the master, I'll just be quiet for a while."

    He sighed as if he was aggrieved, and the little red dragon really quietly lay on his shoulders, Xie Wuya glanced at him helplessly, each This kind of powerlessness gradually filled the bottom of my heart, and he was completely defeated by him. I didn't expect the summoned beast to have such an excellent quality. It hurts!

    "Summon your summoning book, hold the small summoned beast in your arms, and place the large summoned beast on your side."

    Finally it was their turn. The registered instructor gave a formulaic explanation, Xie Wuya Si Yu Nan Kong Shao Yang San People do what they say. When Xie Wuya saw Kong Shaoyang’s summoned beast, his eyes were filled with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. The summoned beast for the wool yarn family is the majestic and majestic flaming lion, and his is just one. The fascinated dragon?

    "Silver Summoning Book: Fire attribute, Flame Lion: Public strike type, Elementary public strike skill: Flame Claw!"

    All the enviable eyes around him gathered on him, Kong Shaoyang couldn't help raising his head proudly, hum, poor man The child of the family is also a good one, see who dares to look down on him.

    "Yes, yes, next one!"  

The expressionless instructor looked at the majestic flaming lion, nodded in satisfaction, and finally a good seed appeared.

    "Silver Summoning Book: Fire Attribute, Enchanted Red Pig: Public Strike Class, Elementary Public Strike Skills: you  think it is cute ?" Since the summoning book only shows the name of the summoned beast, Si Yunan tilted his head and thought for a long time, finally I came up with a skill suitable for the pink hairless pig, and Yubi held it against his face and looked at the registered instructor.


    The instructor is messy in all kinds of winds in an instant, count, can it not be counted? These are just two pet pigs who can only sell cute!

    "Ahem... Next one!"

     After  finally suppressing the convulsions in my heart, the tutor finished registering and tried to ignore one person and one beast. Nima is an eye-opener today. The Silver Summon Book actually summoned a pet. Pig, how painful this is! Fortunately, he can still laugh.

    "Purple Summoning Book: Attribute unknown, Little Red Snake: Attribute color, public strike type, primary public strike skill: Um... Just use language public strike! "

   What is attribute color? What do you mean by verbal attack? The tutor buried in the register raised his head painfully. Damn, how is it today? How can one compare to the best?

    "This is also a public striker?"

    When he saw the little snake with four paws lying on him, the instructor's hand shook the pen very obviously. It was such a small thing, not even a pet. Public hitting class, is he playing him for fun?

    "Teacher doesn't believe it?"

    Xie Wuya raised his eyebrows, and quickly slid a weird look under his eyes. He raised his hand and patted Xiao Honglong's head, and said, "Little guy, it's time for you to go out. Show it to the teacher."

    "I." Can you speak?" The sluggish little red dragon raised his head fiercely, his peanut-sized eyes burst out with excitement, Xie Wuya's forehead went black, and he nodded stiffly.

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