The Robert stone brand (injury)

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Other pov:
It had been about 3 weeks since your night at the cabin and it is your final two weeks in NXT. However Robert stone and Aliyah have been making your and rhea's life hell on NXT. Rhea had silenced them for her but you were still struggling to shut them up. They had challenged you to a 2 on 1 handicap match, if you won, they'd stop bugging you, if they won you'd have to sign under the Robert stone brand. You had already fought them but they wanted a rematch. You didn't mind except for the fact that they had hurt the back of your neck the night before your final match against them. You didn't say anything but rhea knew you were hurt, you said you were fine and she didn't believe you. Truth was you were in a lot of pain, but you weren't going to stop till you silenced Robert stone.

Y/N pov:

"Love" rhea said, she caught me rubbing the back of my neck again "maybe you should cancel your fight tonight" she said, pulling me into her arms. "No I'm fine" I said, she pulled away from me, she was annoyed "stop lying!" She said in an agitated tone. "I'm not-" "but you are! You've been in pain all day! How can you look me in the eyes and lie to my face! After I've been so open with you!" She said raising her voice "demi-" I tried to get out "Don't. If you're going to spit out another lie, don't say anything." I stayed silent. "Right." She said grabbing her bag. "Where are you going?" I said holding on to my arm. "To the gym. I need to do my training." She said as she closed the door behind her. I sat in silence, trying not to cry. I bit my hand holding back the tears. Eventually I broke, I sat in the middle of the living room crying my eyes out and trying to keep my breathing stable. I needed a distraction. I got into my car and went to the gym, I avoided demi as much as I could. I spent a few hours there listening to music and trying not to hurt myself anymore than I already had. Demi left before me. When I came home she was in the shower so I had time to think of an apology. When I heard the shower turn off I went over to the bathroom but she made it clear that she didn't want to talk when she completely ignored me.

I got in the shower and cried again I had to stop before she saw me so once I had calmed down I turned the shower off and made sure my face wasn't noticeable before I left the bathroom. I headed to her room where all my clothes were and she was sat on the bed. She somehow knew I had been crying even though she hadn't looked at me. "So were you crying because of the pain in your neck, or were you crying because of us" I took a deep breath before talking "both" I got changed and grabbed my gear. "You're seriously going to do this match?" She said her agitation showed in her face. "I don't have a choice!" I said frustrated and already stressed about the match. She scoffed "whatever." I took a breath before leaving.

*Time skip*

Other pov:

It was about halfway through your match against stone and Aliyah and you were so close to giving up. They attacked your neck knowing that you were already in pain. Aliyah had just kicked you off of the top rope and you flew to the floor, outside of the ring, you tried to land on your feet but they fell from underneath you and you hit your head. You honestly thought you were going to pass out, you didn't know that rhea was watching you from the gorilla and was seriously worried about you. As you were stunned stone jumped from the top rope and tried to land on you, luckily you put your knees up just in time. He landed on your knees, and it hurt you but hurt him more, you took the chance to get back into the ring. You weren't focused on Aliyah and you paid the price for it. Her boots find the side of your left knee, knocking it out of place. Your pain filled screams filled the ring and you held your knee rolling over to shift the pressure from it. You knew you had to win but they had taken out a lot of your strength. Aliyah ran at you but met with your first as you pulled a clothes line on her. You pinned her and stone kicked your knee again to stop you from winning. Your pain turned into anger and you put stone into a figure of 8 submission lock. It was excruciating but you didn't break until he tapped.

Y/N pov:

I did it. I won. It was over. I let stone go and collapsed, clutching my knee. I tried to stand but it was no use. It was around about now that I realized that there was something seriously wrong. I think rhea noticed it as well. Her intro music played and she immediately ran into the ring instead of doing her regular intro. She came right over to me and tried to help me stand. There was no way I was going to stand. She shouted for medical and the medics rushed over. They said this was beyond what they could do and I would have to go to the ER. Rhea nodded and picked me up she motioned to the ref to not play any music or anything and the commentators told the crowd the situation as we left. Rhea looked extremely concerned as she saw me holding my knee in agony, she supported my neck and tried not to cause any discomfort. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have been so mad at you earlier!" I felt her tears fall onto my arm "hey it's okay, you didn't hurt me, did you." "Yes I did! I hurt your feelings by being so mad!" "Well it was understandable, you were mad for a good reason." I said, the pain was unbearable and I felt myself becoming light headed. "Love are you alright?" Rhea said extremely concerned. I shook my head, not being able to talk. My arms fell and my eyes shut.

The next thing I knew I was laying in a hospital bed, rhea by my side and a nurse in front of me. My leg was elevated and I was on a lot of painkillers. The nurse told me that I had fractured my knee in 3 places and I would be in a brace for 2 weeks. She also said that I couldn't wrestle until my next check up, which would either extend the time on me wearing the brace or taking the brace off. "I'm not allowed to wrestle!!" I said completely shocked and frustrated. "I'm afraid not. You also won't be allowed to do any heavy duty things that risk hurting you more. So no gym time on your legs." I was pissed, but if it meant I would get better then I'd have to skip leg training until I was better. I sighed in dissatisfaction "alright fine. When can I go home." The nurse told me I'd have to wait about 10 minutes while they fitted the brace then I was able to leave.
I made it in the apartment with the help of rhea and she escorted me to the sofa, it didn't take long for me to fall asleep, I was already exhausted and the painkillers pushed me further. I felt rhea pick me up and carry me into bed. She left the room after kissing my forehead.


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