
675 22 13

Mon 30th May 2022

Monday night RAW. My big reveal, my heel turn, it was happening tonight. I hadn't really spoken to anyone, I hadn't been on social media, I had gone completely isolated. I had just picked up my gear for tonight, because I wanted to be anonymous I had a full face mask that would fold down for my reveal. Demi had driven us because she saw no point in wasting fuel with two cars when we could go together. It was difficult to talk but I needed her advice and she was driving so she wouldn't see my sign. "Demi-" my voice was higher pitched than usual, and shaky like I wanted to cry, I didn't, it was just hard to talk. Her face lit up upon hearing my voice call for her, and her smile grew as she spoke. "Yes, love" she glanced over at me for a moment before drawing her attention back to the road. "You know how I can hold a stare without blinking... For like a really long time" her eyebrow raised in confusion and intrigue "yeah..." She dragged out her response and glanced at me once again. "I don't wanna talk much, to anyone, but maybe I don't need words... Maybe I could intimidate people with the staring. Do something different" she looked at me as she pulled up to the stop light "as long as it means you won't Kubrick stare at me 24/7 then I think it's a great idea" I chuckled a little and I knew it was going to upset her, but I went back to speaking little to no words to her, I just still hadn't gotten my head around the whole attacking me thing and I knew that it was over, but I still had to warm up to it all, I mean I didn't really love the idea of the judgment day but at the end of the day, I wanted an end to it, and if that meant the judgment day won, then that meant that.

We pulled into the parking lot and instead of going our separate ways like usual, demi stuck close by me until we got to the locker room, where there were a few women asking why I was here without a match, an official match at least. I simply signed Demi to tell them it was a surprise. I knew that demi and Damian had a match against Liv and AJ tonight, which would be perfect timing for my reveal, if everything went to plan. I changed into my gear before heading into hair and makeup, where my hair was braided into two braids.

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Once my makeup was on I hid my gear, so no one knew who I was and pulled the mask over my face

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Once my makeup was on I hid my gear, so no one knew who I was and pulled the mask over my face. I was now anonymous to everyone except the three girls that were in the locker room With me. I just sat patiently, silently until right before Demi's match. Right before her match I handed a crew member a duffel bag and asked for it to be placed under the ring, inside it was my title and a few extra 'toys' that would aid my reveal. I knew that for the stare to work I would need to keep my face relaxed while I was in the ring with my mask off, I wanted to give off a creature-esque feel to my heel persona so I would be different to the other members of tjd, crouching on chairs instead of sitting, using my flexibility and contortion to my advantage, etc etc. (Basically 2021 Alexa Bliss but on crack or 2022 Nikki Cross but more psycho :D)

I watched the judgment day, Liv and AJ make their way to the ring, but before the match began I walked out to the stage, I knew it confused Liv due to the change in her face, an anonymous figure making their way to the ring wasn't exactly a normal sight. I put my hands up once I climbed into the ring to show I wasn't going to hurt anyone... Yet. after a moment of looking around, I pointed at the commentary table and due to Corey's frantic nodding I was granted access to join them at commentary, a chair was left out for me to which I crouched onto it

 after a moment of looking around, I pointed at the commentary table and due to Corey's frantic nodding I was granted access to join them at commentary, a chair was left out for me to which I crouched onto it

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The match began and I just sat in silence watching them fight, ignoring any questions that the commentary panel asked me. Liv got the win, but she didn't stop attacking, and then Finn balor who supposedly injured his arm came rushing down as an equaliser. I waited for a moment, just to see what would happen, and once it was just rhea in the ring against Liv and both guys I stood up, and the lights went out. I knew Liv was on the top of the turnbuckle so I climbed into the ring and up the post before setting her up for a superplex. The lights switched on Just as she was pulled vertically into the air and dropped on her back. I took a moment to regroup after falling from quite a big height but once I did, I grabbed the black duffel bag from under the ring and threw it to the centre. Watching the judgment join all around me honestly felt empowering, and I knew I shouldn't, but I liked it. My new intro/outro music began to play as I slowly revealed my identity.

I started by pulling my hood down, reveal the two toned hair that I had, but not for long. Next came opening the bag and pulling out the bat that I had used against edge last week, then my title. And finally my mask, but before doing so, I swung the bat down onto Liv, forcing her out of the ring. AJ and Finn gathered around Liv, helping her backstage as the audience and commentary took in the reveal. My wife was very close behind me, I knew that a great character development would be us two having a lot of love and trust in eachother, like Morticia and Gomez Addams, but 2 women. She made her way closer and I curled myself into her chest, Edge now announcing that I had in fact joined the judgment day. One word to describe how I felt, relieved. The pain between me and my wife was over, and I felt a little more comfortable with talking to her, only her though, Damian and edge still hadn't earned my trust yet. Especially not Edge, he had caused such a big ruff in my relationship that I didn't know if I would ever talk to him. At the end of the day, I was in a secure space, with my wife, as a champion, and not getting beaten up every week.

I didn't love the idea of being in the judgment day, but I couldn't be against her anymore, it would tear us apart....

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now