487 17 6

19TH FEBRUARY 2022- 7:40PM

This was it, elimination chamber, Liv and Alexa had been in one before and it didn't look too nice but to win would be amazing. I could become champ again, a champion that everyone wants to see, Not just Becky Lynch. I was getting my hair and makeup done for the chamber and it was one of my most craziest looks yet. I wanted a set theme that covered me head to toe so I wouldn't be exposed to the chainlink all over the chamber. So when my designer made my gear it shocked me to my core, it was amazing, exactly what I wanted. "All done! You look badass, don't tell the others but I'm routing for you" the artist what was working on my face said, I smiled at her and thanked her before heading to the gorilla.
Y/N gear, hair and makeup:

Rhea was stretching in the gorilla when I entered and she audibly gasped at my look, she hadn't seen it before so she had no idea what I was gonna look like until now "dude that's sick!!" She said getting a closer look

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Rhea was stretching in the gorilla when I entered and she audibly gasped at my look, she hadn't seen it before so she had no idea what I was gonna look like until now "dude that's sick!!" She said getting a closer look. Her hands wrapped around me, resting on my lower back, she swayed back and forth with me while my head rested on her chest, it was little moments like this that really warmed my heart, it caused others to feel warm inside as well, the girls in the gorilla exclaimed how cute they found us at any chance they got.

Soon enough people were entering the elimination chamber pods. Nikki and Liv were the first two in the ring, followed by Alexa, rhea, me and finally bianca, this would also be the order to which we left the pods, we would be entering every 2 minutes, a pinfall or submission would result in an elimination. I had my eyes set on liv, her being my former tagteam partner and I also had my eyes set on miss bliss, I didn't trust her at all so I wanted her gone as soon as possible.

Once we were in our pods the match begun, Nikki and Liv battled it out for the first two minutes before Nikki neutralised liv by performing a neckbreaker, Alexa's pod began to open and the worry grew on Nikki's face, she realised that liv and Alexa were likely to work together now, to prevent that from happening she perked her speed up, what she didn't notice was the two minutes were nearly up, she had taunted rhea before the match and now rhea was about to be set free. Me and bianca's smiles grew as the crowd counte down from 3 and Nikki's face fell. My wife exited her pod and stared down her former tag partner, she wanted blood. Nikki pleaded with the nightmare but rhea knew why she was ther and she would get that job done. Nikki ran for my wife but failed to take offence as rhea being the powerhouse took advantage by picking Nikki up and throwing her into the chainlink fencing of the chamber, her sadistic smile grew as she set her former tagteam partner up for the riptide, she never once broke eye contact with me. She pulled Nikki into a pin just as my pod opened. "NIKKI ASH HAD BEEN ELIMINATED!" rung throughout the speakers after a threecount, Nikki left the ring and I set my sights on morgan while rhea turned to miss bliss. I pulled liv into the center of to ring and she immediately fought back, trying her best to get on offence. She actually succeeded for a bit but it didn't last after I dropkicked her in her jaw, I needed a move that would put her away, it was high risk but it would send a message. I picked morgan up and placed her on the top turnbuckle, "rhea move!" Was all I shouted before lifting liv into the air, I successfully completed the superplex, eliminating her after a pin.

Everyone around me was so shocked at the fact that I pulled off such a highrisk move in the elimination chamber but it proved the point that I would do anything for that title. I quickly lost my intimidation after bianca performed a codebreaker on me. I crawled over to Alexa hoping to help her out a bit and gain some sort of advantage, then I felt two hands grabbing me, it was bianca. I looked at rhea who held on to Alexa, she was refusing to look at me, for good reason, both me and Alexa were lifted into the air and pulled into a double vertical suplex. As I was trying to recover I looked at bianca, then at me wife "RHEA WATCH OUT!" I shouted as I watched her get lifted into a KOD by belair, my heart shattered as The speakers roared out my wife's elimination "RHEA RIPLEY HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!"

I looked at Alexa and she looked at me and we both knew what we had to do. We helped eachother up, I went for the attack first, springing myself up into a hurricanrana, Before bianca could recover Alexa performed a twisted bliss on her. We then rolled belair out of the way, it's was now us two and I still didn't trust bliss fully, you can help but you can't have friends so, a fight broke out between us. We were so caught up in eachother that we both failed to notice belair on the top turnbuckle, she crossbodied both of us before turning her attention to bliss, she pulled Alexa into a DDT and successfully pinned the goddess. "ALEXA BLISS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED" Bianca was now coming for me, tension rising and my nerves growing. But, I had a plan, before she could get her hands on me I began to climb the chamber, hoping she would follow, sure enough she did. Once she was high enough for a big fall I used all my might and kicked her as hard as I could, she fell down the side of the chamber forcing herself to drag against the chains. I jumped down, landing next to the EST. This was the way to win, I pulled her into the ring, grabbing her left foot and right arm, forcing her to arch her back against my foot. After what felt like forever of her struggling I felt her hand tapping on my ankle "BIANCA BELAIR HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!!" Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!!! I DID IT! I started to well up as the ref pulled my hand into the air and my music roared throughout the arena. I could finally let my guard down, I knew what I wanted, that title deserved to be mine and I wasn't going to stop until I got it. I already knew that Ben was watching in the crowd with his friend and his friends parents.

I asked for a Mic and once I was handed one I started to speak "I would just like to say that I never thought I'd be here, I know that my wife is sat backstage right now, I also know that my son..." there was a few confused people in the crowd, we hadn't told anyone really about Ben coming out. "Yes my son, is in the crowd! I'm so proud of him for wanting to follow in his parents footsteps. I know he's really proud of both me and rhea tonight" just then I saw him running down to the barricades, where rhea sat waiting to help him over. She carried him into the chamber and he jumped into my arms "THATS MY MUM GUYS!!!!" he shouted into the mic "I'd like to also say before I leave, thankyou to all the ladies I faced tonight, y'all really put up a fight! But, now I'm coming for you Becky! I'd really love to see that title around my waist!" I dropped the Mic and does out of the chamber, lifting Ben back over the barricade so he could join Grayson in the crowd once again, then took my wife's hand and went backstage.

I will never forget my time in that chamber, and it will always drive me to do more to get what I want. I knew Becky was watching and I knew what it felt like to be a champion, I wanted to feel like that again.

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now