Leaving so soon

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MONDAY: SEPT 20 2021 8:45AM

We had been awake for two hours now. Safe to say we didn't want to get out of bed yet, I mean we had to, but she's have her match and then, I'm not going to see her for 3 days. The plus side is I have my hen party tonight, Nikki and Rhea's match is gonna be filmed in the afternoon so that Nikki can come to the party, after all she is one of my bridesmaids. My sister mother and father will be flying in and hopefully landing for tomorrow, they wouldn't make it tonight considering they got the earliest flight they could afford. I wasn't that happy that they couldn't make my hen do but they'd be here for the wedding. It's the same story for Rheas family.

We were sat in bed, my head on rhea's chest, she was stroking my arm, and we were sharing earphones, listening to music and cuddling. She kissed my head every few seconds and I returned it with kisses on her chest. I could feel the warmth of her smile as she spoke "three days and you will be Mrs Bennett. I can't wait." I looked up at my wife to be "at least let my hyphenate my name" I giggled and she pushed me playfully. "What can't commit to my name, even our kids have my last name" she said kissing me once again. I laughed"you know I'm only messing with you" I said pulling her back into a kiss and letting her hands wander over my body. She hovered her hands over my inner thigh, rubbing my shorts causing soft moans to escape my breath. Her smirk dominant on her face. She knew the teasing was enough to supply me till our wedding so after a few minutes she pulled her hand away from me. "We gotta pack and get home, I don't wanna be late for my match" I pulled my face at her, she meant what said. I sighed and stood up, grabbing the clothes that lay on the floor from the concert and folding them before placing them in my bag.

She knew I was pouting and I would pout the entire drive home. But she had something in mind for me on the way home, just to satisfy me. We helped each other pack and then had a meal before checking out, we cleaned the room up as best as possible for room service and when we left the hotel, reality set in. I would have about an hour with my fiance before having to leave her for three days. She placed the bags in the boot and sat in the drivers seat, I looked down the pout still evident on me. She started the car and then placed her hand on my thigh, I looked at her and saw her smiling. I really wanted to return the smile but I just couldn't, I didn't want to leave her, I wanted us to stay together "I'll make up for it." Rhea said snapping me out of my thoughts, it was as if she had read my mind. I looked at her and she pulled over. "Look, it's gonna be hard. Not being able to see each other. But it'll be all worth it. Besides you get to stay at home, with the girls. You'll be okay Y/N, I know you will. Just promise me something.." I nodded at her "anything" "if you can't take it, if you can't handle being alone, while the girls aren't there, promise me you'll call. You won't try to hide your pain." I looked at her and nodded "I promise" my pinkie locking with hers and we pressed out thumbs together, kissing the top of them, I couldn't break the promise, I loved her too much to betray her trust now.

She began to drive again and her hand stuck to my thigh the entire drive home. I watched her as she drove and we talked about her match for tonight. She was really excited to have the chance to get the championship after it was taken from me and liv. We talked the entire drive home and when we pulled into the driveway we noticed Shauna standing on the front porch. "The girls are at school and day care, I've kept the house as tidy as possible, they've been angels the entire time you were gone. Aspen is really trying her best to get stronger, she's been training for like 3 hours a day. She really aspires to be like you both." We smiled upon thing had been going well. I paid for Shauna's services because of all the extra work she had put in. Rhea had to leave for her match in two hours, which gave us about an hour and half to spend with her after unpacking everything.

To enjoy every moment together we decided not to go out anywhere, stay at home, put on some Netflix, grabbed some wine and chilled out. We spoke for a while and with every few minutes we inched closer and closer to each other. "You know, if 4 years ago you told me if be working my dream job, living with the best family I could live with, and marrying the love of my life in three days, I wouldn't believe you. It feels like a dream come true" I said caressing rhea's cheek, she leaned a little closer "god I love you" she kissed me and followed my head as it rolled into the cushions "...so much" she said pulling away. She kissed me once again and handed me my glass of wine, taking a sip of her own. "Im ready to spend the rest of my life with you, through good and bad, through bad and worse." She said before I cut her off "are these your vows?" I asked her pulling away a little "maybe" she smirked I smacked her playfully "don't tell me your vows now!" I laughed. We joked about firba while until her phone buzzed with a call "shit. It's Sonya.. hold on. Hello?" I watched her stand and make her way to the kitchen, I sighed deeply hating for our moment to be cut short, I knew they'd be sending her in early, I could feel it in my gut. "Yeah, yeah no worries. No, i-it's fine, I'll be there soon" she said ending the call with Sonya and pulling me into her arms "they want you in early, don't they?" She nodded and kissed my forehead. I didn't want to let go, she wouldn't be coming home, I couldn't let her go. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes,clouding my vision. "Don't cry, you'll make me cry" was all she could say with a shaky voice. I held her face and pulled her into a kiss "do you have to?" "Yes baby, but it'll get better I promise" she kissed me again, finally letting me go, I watched her leave, bawling my eyes  out as she pulled out of the drive. One phrase repeated in my head over and over again

it'll get better I promise...

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now