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I sat backstage with demi ready for Damian and Edge to come out to us. We knew something that edge didn't and I was probably the most relieved about our plans because there would be no more of his toxicity targeting me. And if my teammates didn't, I would make sure that his toxicity was gone personally.

After a while of talking I felt the cold tension that grew when the sadistic leader himself was in the room. I looked behind me and saw the two older men stood above me and my wife. "Come on then." His voice was stern and he avoided eye contact with me as if he had no respect for me. It pissed me off, Damian knew it, he knew it, demi knew it and if it weren't for Demi and Damian I would've snapped a long time ago.

My eyes wandered over to the new recruit and I signalled to them that we were going out. The judgment day theme began to play and one by one we stepped under a spotlight. Me and demi to the left, Damian to the right and of course edge dead centre. The pyro's went off and we began to walk to the ring while our presence was announced. Once we got to the ring we took our assigned spots, I would usually be crouched next to demi but Edge decided on a lest minute change. "Jinx just step back a littl will ya, Rhea deserves more of the spotlight" his snarky comment was enough to make me want to kill him, but rhea's hand on my arm alerted me to lay low and listen for the time being.

Damian was the first to speak into the microphone "WWE universe! You know what time it is! ALL RISE FOR THE JUDGMENT DAY!" he waited a moment to see people's reactions before signalling for Demi to begin talking. "Control is an illusion" she began "An illusion that led AJ styles, Liv Morgan and Finn bàlor into thinking that they were going to succeed last night at HIAC" her smile grew as she replayed her victory in her head "The judgement day was always destined to win.We cannot be controlled and our message is spreading like wild fire!" The crowd all reacted pretty positively to her words, making her smile just a little more as she spoke "our destiny has no limitations!"with that she finished her sentence and drew her attention to me a little more, I knew that I wasn't going to talk in this segment so I perched myself on the ring post. Damian took a step forward and began to talk once again "Truth spoken by Rhea Ripley! Our destiny Has No limitations and speaking of limitations, Rhea, your destiny is to once again become the RAW women's champion! Rhea Ripley will be one step closer to omnipotence after her win tonight and when she goes on to face Bianca Belair at MITB!"

There was a pause for Edge to step in and talk but before he did he gave me a sort of menacing glance "Now the Adult is talking so please be quiet." He said stepping forward "I've been doing this for 30 years, so you can close your mouths" but no matter how much he asked the crowd still roared back at him. "Last night the Judgment day, minus one, did exactly what we said we would" that minus one was me, I wasn't at HIAC because I was looking after my children and finally took priority of them over work for once. "And that is stand tall, we stood tall. But what I have to do before I go any further, is publicly tell these two individuals just exactly how proud I am of them I am." He made sure to make it known that his pride was not in me, I was holding on, waiting, trying not to snap too early but my patience was wearing thin.

"How they have grown. How they have blossomed in the short time that they have been under my learning tree. I mean, look, at Rhea Ripley, look at her. She is a superstar wrecking machine! Look at Damian Priest, do you know how he stands there now? He stands there taller, his head is higher and he is oozing confidence. Look at Jinx! Her skills and her determination have grown, her intimidation has exceeded anything I could have imagined!" I was actually quite shocked when he mentioned me, but it was really more for his benefit to make himself look better. "And the reason they're like this? The reason they have grown is because they listen to me, but they weren't the only ones listening. I told you, I told you all that someone else was listening, someone else was hearing our message and I was right! So tonight, without further ado, right now, I will introduce the newest member of the judgement day!" It took a moment but eventually the intro music of Finn bàlor began to boom through the speaker, a shocked roar from the audience almost over powering the sound of the speakers.

Once Finn was in the ring alongside us I jumped down from the post to join my teammates in welcoming him, he shook hands with Edge and left the crowd in shock, confusion and excitement. Edge however began to talk once again "Finn, Finn last night I saw the look in your eyes change during the match, I saw something change inside of you, so when rhea, Damian and jinx told me you reached out I was ecstatic because you my friend are a game changer! You are one of the most talented men to ever step foot in this ring. I've told you that, you know I feel that way, so please tell me, please enlighten me, tell everyone exactly how did all this come to pass?"

Finn then explained himself , and why he chose the judgment day and he also thanked rhea and Damian for helping him see clearly but for once I didn't go unnoticed, he mentioned how free I looked just letting go and not hiding behind that false good guy mask. Then the voice was passed back over to Damian "edge, you are one of the greatest wrestlers, not just in our time but of all time. And that is why it was so easy for me, rhea and jinx to see that our calling was to join you in your reign of darkness" then he turned to us "and I think now, we realised that in this short time with you, you've taught us to get rid of any limitations that are holding us back. We're ready. We are ready to shed the last bit of limitations holding us back... Which is you." Edge looked at Damian in shock and his last glance was at me, I smiled at him, my tongue pressed against my tooth and waved as Damian's fist crashed into his gut. I stepped back as Finn, Damian and rhea attacked him, watching him fall apart was the greatest part of my career. I was going to wait patiently, but i'd be the one getting the last laugh.

I watched rhea laugh in his face, Damian performing a south of heaven, Finn performing a coup de grace and yet I didn't move, not yet. I waited and watched as he fought back, only to be caught in the clutches of Damian, who planted him through the commentary table. I watched them throw him back into the ring as rhea left to grab chairs, but as they were coming to a close, this was my chance to hurt him the way he made rhea hurt me. And I wasn't one to hold back. I pulled that familiar bag out from under the ring, dropping it by his head, making sure he could see it. Panic surging through his face as my grin stretched my cheeks outwards. First, I pulled out a kendo stick, holding high above my head before swinging it into him at least five times, I stopped when it snapped in half. Then came the first night she hit me, I hadn't forgotten that. I wanted him to feel more pain than anything else, I stomped at the back of his neck a few times before turning around and seeing demi fight off the officials. I took the chair out of priest's hands and swung it into edge's head before tossing it. I wanted him to be scarred, like he scarred me so many times.

I pulled him to his feet though he struggled to stand, and I sat myself on the ring post, wrapping my arm under his neck and pulling him slightly off the ground. As he faded I leant down to his ear and whispered "who's dead weight now?" Before dropping him. He crashed to his knees and officials surrounded him as I jumped down. They tried to stop me from making sure he was completely broken, but where there's a will there's a way, I pushed my way through to see him, red face, betrayed and heartbroken. I giggled at him, mocking a crying face and waving a sweet goodbye before being dragged out of the ring.

This was it. No more patriarch. No more hierarchy. No more worries about impressing a leader. Just pure evil...

~𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛~ (a rhea Ripley X fem reader story)Where stories live. Discover now