Contract Signing

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Last week, after winning my match against Lacey Evans, I made it clear to Ronda that I wasn't someone to mess with. Ronda announced that she wanted a Ladder match at Crown Jewel, which was creeping closer pretty quickly, it was next Saturday and I was more than prepared to face her. I left it up to the Smackdown women's champion to decide what match she wanted, and after choosing a ladder match my excitement grew even more; the only other time I had been in a ladder match was at Money In The Bank, and it didn't work in my favour, so I now had something to prove as well. Due to the brutality of the match, with it being such a dangerous match up, a contract signing segment was needed. Besides, it would cause some necessary drama to fire us both up. I was sat, waiting in the gorilla, my hair had been pinned back into a loose bun just so it was out of my face and I already had my hair and makeup done because I got ready before I left.

 I was sat, waiting in the gorilla, my hair had been pinned back into a loose bun just so it was out of my face and I already had my hair and makeup done because I got ready before I left

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Our segment was in the start of the night considering Rousey was holding an open challenge for the middle of the night so she had to prepare for her match later in the night, however this promo was still a very much vital part to the night

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Our segment was in the start of the night considering Rousey was holding an open challenge for the middle of the night so she had to prepare for her match later in the night, however this promo was still a very much vital part to the night. "Jinx, we're ready for you." a crew member said, popping her head around the corner of gorilla, she was close to the curtain and motioned me towards her, just as my intro began to play. Since I wasn't champion I had to go out first. "This is a contract signing for a ladder match at Crown Jewel for the Smackdown Women's Championship! Introducing the challenger, JINXX!" My name was announced and I climbed into the ring, taking a seat and eyeing up the contract that sat on the metal-topped table that would likely be flipped at some point tonight as that is what tends to happen in contract signings. 

I made myself comfortable by leaning back in my chair and waiting for the champion to make her way toward the ring; it didn't take long for her intro to begin. "And making her way to the ring, she is the Smackdown Women's Champion! ROUDY RONDA ROUSEYYY!" Ronda was in her wrestling gear and she was  acting tough, keeping a scrunched up, angry looking face that she always wore to keep the tough act up. She held her championship in the air to taunt me before taking a seat, after we were both seated, Adam joined us in the ring and opened up the contract, "Ladies, the contract before you is a contract for a ladder match at crown Jewel, both women need to sign to make this official." He said before taking a step back, Ronda peered down at the contract and then up at me, before pushing the contract toward me without breaking eye contact. I stopped the contract from flying off the table and took the pen that was placed to the rest of me, glancing down at the first dotted line and writing my signature. I pushed the contract back over to Ronda with quite a bit of force, causing her to scowl at me. She signed the contract and then began to laugh as she pulled the mic up to her mouth. "you, just like everyone else who has faced me, are going to fall.. very soon, because let's be real, you are just like everyone else in this business" she smirked, pulling the mic away slightly, I took my mic and began to talk. "see, that's where you're wrong, I'm not like everyone else. Because unlike a lot of people, almost everyone in that locker room, I don't just fight and play mind games. I observe. I observe every single person, and every single move that gets played out in this ring. Ronda you fall into the trap of not observing other and you know how I know you fall into this trap." she laughed again and replied with "enlighten me" I smiled at her "Because you get caught off guard to easily" I replied, I could tell she was getting pissed off and she'd snap. "THE HELL I DO!" She screamed standing and flipping the table into me, I barely managed to block my face as I fell off the chair under the impact of the table crashing into me. 

I dropped to the floor and that was it, the push that I needed to snap on her. She walked over to me and pulled the table off, as she did so I sprayed the toxic mist in her face; blinding her and jumping on top of her in a ground and pound. Yes I caught her off guard, but it wasn't for long enough that she couldn't retaliate and so a brawl ensued between us. We both continued to attack each other; Ronda pretty much completely blind due to the mist but consistent and packing quite a punch. I thought that I had the upper hand until she swung her head into my mouth, knocking me off of her. I immediately tasted the bitter taste of copper and the crimson blood began to fill my mouth. Officials surrounded us but we didn't give up; it took multiple members of security and officials to pull us apart and by the time they did the blood from my mouth had spread over the both of us and she was still trying to get the mist out of her eyes. She barely made eye contact with me as I was pulled up the ramp; I mocked her pointing at me by kissing the air and smiling; feeling the blood dripping from my mouth and an uproar of cheers sounded as I was taken backstage. Immediately EMT's surrounded me making sure that my injuries weren't serious and luckily they weren't; when Ronda headbutted me she knocked my tongue bar back, causing it to tear a little; it didn't even hurt and it would heal quickly.  

If I was sure of one thing now, it was that me and Rousey weren't going to hold back next week. And I had no plan to lose.

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