Aspens first match prep

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It had been a day since your first full day at the hotel. You spent the day before unpacking for pretty much the entire day. Aspen her given you both some news that she was ready for her first proper wrestling match. You thought it only right if her first match was in adelaide as it was where rhea started her career. You had signed her up at a match located in a highscool that specialised in sports. To be honest you were quite nervous to begin with as you didn't want her getting hurt but you had faith that she could win. She had been training for months and knew a lot of moves that a basic 10 year old wouldn't in fact know.  The match she was competing in was a 1 on 1 match against another girl who was 11 years old.

Y/N pov:

To get her ready me and rhea set her up for sparring with us. Rhea's parents were taking Maya out for the day so we didn't have to worry about taking care of her. I got up pretty earlier and sat on my phone until someone else woke up, considering I was the first one to wake. After a while of being bored as hell rhea began to open her eyes. "Why are you up so early" rhea asked me, her morning voice very predominant when she spoke. "I don't know, just am" I smiled at her and she motioned for me to come closer to her. As I did her arms wrapped around me and she connected our lips when I got close enough. She smiled into the kiss and her embrace was strong. When I pulled away she pulled back in for a second before letting me move. "I love you,  so much" she said holding me tight. "I love you too" I replied, we lay talking until the girls awoke.

Once we had finished getting ready we took Amaya to her grandparents before taking Aspen to a sparring gym. It was full of safety mats, crash mats sparring rings, everything needed to show what it's like to be in the ring. Her face lit up and we immediately knew that this was going to be who she was when she was older, following in her parents footsteps. "You ready?" I asked her to which she frantically nodded. We began with demonstrating how to fight and escape from a lot of the submission locks. After our demonstrations she stood in the ring opposite me, bouncing from side to side. When rhea shouted go I ran toward my daughter who spun attacks immediately on to me, for a 10 year old she was strong as hell. Her wrestling knowledge was unbelievable and she was unstoppable. There was no doubt that she was ready to go against others.

*time skip*

4 hours passed of training and we were now eating some food. Aspen was amazing when it came to the ring and it strengthened my beliefs that she would win. Aspen without a doubt loved the ring, both me and rhea were pretty tired and although Aspen had some fire left in her she wasn't going to be training anymore today. Her match wasn't until tomorrow afternoon so for now we brought her home, picked Maya up and we took them down to the beach after getting changed ready for the barbecue and fire pit which was being held later in the evening.

Me and rhea were walking along the shoreline while Aspen and Amaya were running to 'catch the waves' on their feet. We ended up meeting with some of rhea's old friends while we were looking for the barbecue and they took us to it. "So demi... who's this lovely woman here?" One of her friends said, pointing at me. "This, Marla, is my fiance, Y/N. Y/N This is Marla, Nyx and Daniel" "Fiance! I'm guessing those kids are yours then?" I laughed and nodded. Her friends were all very different, Marla was very energetic, bubbly and an extrovert, Daniel gave of golden retriever energy and Nyx was quite shy and quiet, but once they were more comfortable they began to speak a bit more. We were all sat down at a picnic bench while the girls played by the ocean, there were some other kids there that they were sat with. Me rhea Marla and Nyx were talking while Danny went to get us all some food. Australian Barbecues were actually ginormous there were like 4 huge grills and tons of food, quite a few people and more were still arriving.

"Girls come get something to eat!" Rhea shouted when things began to be laid on the table. "I'm not hungry though..." Aspen said looking down. "You need to eat, come on there's tons of foo-" "demi stop. It's okay, just come get some food when you're ready, yeah" she smiled and nodded before running back to her new found friends, Maya sat down and had a hotdog before joining her sister. "Why did you stop me?" "Huh?" "You stopped me before, when Aspen came over. why?" Rhea asked turning towards me, Marla Danny and Nyx could sense some tension rising between us and sat back a little. "It doesn't matter..." she sighed and stood up "where are you going?" I asked following her with my eyes, she turned back to me "It.. doesn't matter" was all she said before leaving. I sat there in shock why was she mad at me Marla stood up "I'll go talk to her." She said before running off toward rhea. After a few minutes they came back and rhea motioned for me to follow her, "I'm sorry. For getting mad." She said looking down at me, I avoided eye contact with her as I said "the reason why... Why I stopped you, was because when I was younger, my parents would blame me for not eating food when I wasn't hungry, they'd tell me to eat it and if I didn't..  any time if try to eat when I became hungry, they'd yell at me for wasting food. I don't want that happening to her... or anyone else." She brought me onto her arms "I'm sorry, I had no idea.." "it's okay, I never told you. Come on your friends are waiting"

After we got back we spent the night dancing around the fire pit, drinking, having fun with rhea's friends, playing truth or dare,I even got a few videos of rhea joking about, Marla had films me and rhea dancing together, we ended up getting a taxi back to the hotel at around 12:30AM, the girls were already asleep and we were both very tired, so once we tucked the girls in bed we got into bed next to each other. We talked (and made out) for a while before falling asleep, me lying on rhea's chest and rhea stroking my arm and showering me with kisses.

(Hope you liked this chapter, can't wait to show y'all Aspen's first wrestling match but imma sleep for now!)

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